The Nanny State Strikes Again

Smoking is down about 7-8 % from 2000 to less than 20% of the population (Adult I assume). I don't smoke or really care but the nanny state thing bugs me. Education always trumps legislation in the long run.

What interests me is how the change slowly came. Thirty five years ago the non-smoker was the underdog, coming home from the office reeking of tobacco, eyes stinging, etc. You got the evil eye if you asked for a non-smoking table at a restaurant and were placed next to the toilets.

What bugs me is the slob smokers that flick buts and fail to watch where their lit cigarettes are. When she was young, my daughter got her face burned by some slob who was walking through a crowd with his cigarette at a kid's face level. Then there are forest fires, house fires, burn marks on counters and furniture etc.

Of course smokers got more breaks. Somehow employers understood that smokers had to leave their desks anytime the urge came. I never got the same privileged to go home and have some fun time with the wife when the urge came.

On the good side maybe it will encourage more smokers to drop the habit. Kudos also for making it Ontario wide so one doesn't have to read up on the bylaws of every municipality. Now if they would make bicycle / e bike laws equal province wide AND START ENFORCING THEM.
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You know they will have won when every biker rides e bikes, smokes e cigarettes and carries de-alcoholized beer in the saddle bags. Who wants that?
So when marijuana is finally legalized, there will be no place left to legally smoke it.

I guess I disagree with most people here then. I don't like smoke, but I dislike living in a nanny state that tries to control everyone's behaviour even more.

No wonder we have as many ******** laws as we do -- because everyone in Bantario loves to control what other people do. Wait until they come for something you like to do.
So when marijuana is finally legalized, there will be no place left to legally smoke it.

I guess I disagree with most people here then. I don't like smoke, but I dislike living in a nanny state that tries to control everyone's behaviour even more.

No wonder we have as many ******** laws as we do -- because everyone in Bantario loves to control what other people do. Wait until they come for something you like to do.

you can always smoke in the privacy of your home.
you can always smoke in the privacy of your home.

Until they make that illegal too -- like in San Rafeal CA:

And that's what they say about drinking in Brunei -- no public sale of alcohol is allowed, but foreigners can bring alcohol into the country and drink it at home. Alcohol, cigarettes, and weed are all social drugs. What fun is it sitting at home and doing it?

I've been in bars in parts of the world where the majority disliked alcohol. These bars occasionally got attacked by 'religious police' that would slap people around with machetes and rob them.

Like I said... be careful about being too trigger happy banning things you don't like, because next time they might come for something you do like... such as having a beer in view of the children (might make them interested in alcohol, afterall).
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Is smoking not banned from places where second hand smoke couldn't possibly be an issue? If yes what would be the reason to ban it there?
I don't recall for sure. I remember a bar called the ship and anchor on 17th Ave. Could smoke inside but not on the patio. Found that a little absurd. There was a restaurant downtown that had "2" restaurants. One was upstairs on another floor. Deal was they had to have the same menu and the upstairs one was glassed in and ventilated so you could smoke there. Guess which one was always empty. Not sure also If tims removed the smoking areas like here. There's not a lot of places second hand wouldn't be an issue in my opinion. That said it's not cool telling someone who smokes you can't smoke anywhere. Catch 22
That's the thing.. I'm a smoker and I'd be ok with a total ban.. The problem is that the politicians are using as as whipping boys, always passing these stupid laws just go get brownie points at our expense, but they'll never completely ban it because they are growing fat off the tax dollars that we bring in. Taxes on tobacco are over 1000% (yes 3 zeros), "to cover the increased medical expenses".. Funny part is that over lifetime, smokers cost LESS to care for because we die younger, so lower geriatric care bills.

This completely.
Open air stadiums and city parks. Verboten.
Do you have any stats on how much money is spent on corpses by health care services?
You know what I mean. Injuries sustained by these death machine.

Ban them I say!!!
What's next? Banning alcohol consumption on patios as well?

Yep -- kids might see you enjoying that beer and will be tempted to drink too, so you had better just drink at home as well.

Invite people over, it'll be a good time -- unless you are new to town or want to meet new people, then it won't be.
I don't recall for sure. I remember a bar called the ship and anchor on 17th Ave. Could smoke inside but not on the patio. Found that a little absurd. There was a restaurant downtown that had "2" restaurants. One was upstairs on another floor. Deal was they had to have the same menu and the upstairs one was glassed in and ventilated so you could smoke there. Guess which one was always empty. Not sure also If tims removed the smoking areas like here. There's not a lot of places second hand wouldn't be an issue in my opinion. That said it's not cool telling someone who smokes you can't smoke anywhere. Catch 22

IIRC Toronto told the restaurants they could have smoking areas if they were separately vented so the restaurants spent tens of thousands to comply. A year or two late the separately vented areas were nixed as well. If the nanny state types are going to ban something completely in ten years then give us a time line so we don't waste our money.

They won't do that because their goals become too overt. I don't care about the smoke but I do care about other nanny state issues.
I think the crap that comes out of China (with the dangerous chemicals in it) is more harmful to the kids than smoking could. Can we ban all Chinese imports?
I think the crap that comes out of China (with the dangerous chemicals in it) is more harmful to the kids than smoking could. Can we ban all Chinese imports?
Lol, you're not serious right?

Stop for a moment & think how much stuff is actually made in China.

Harper is actually in China discussing trade as we type
Don't blame that on Harper, nobody wants to work for $8/hr. They want minimum wage to be $15/hr. That's where China comes in. They work for $8 and with the conversion rate they can live comfortably in their economy.
That's the thing.. I'm a smoker and I'd be ok with a total ban.. The problem is that the politicians are using as as whipping boys, always passing these stupid laws just go get brownie points at our expense, but they'll never completely ban it because they are growing fat off the tax dollars that we bring in. Taxes on tobacco are over 1000% (yes 3 zeros), "to cover the increased medical expenses".. Funny part is that over lifetime, smokers cost LESS to care for because we die younger, so lower geriatric care bills.

Governments always need a whipping boy. It keeps peoples attention away from the ***** they do. Thanks in part to the internet Pamala and Mike our senators who falsely claimed living expenses they were not entitled to got nailed. Still, just like in the novel 1984 government always needs a Goldstein. Whether it be smokers, firearm owners, hunters, ATV/motorcycle owners, so called street racers. Anyone that can draw attention away from the corrupt practices that politicians of every stripe engage in daily.
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