second terrorist attack today?

I'm with you on that. The "Beady Eyed Rat" that runs the country, and his minions aren't anything to me either, but I still think ARMED guards are the future, and should have been in the past.

Didnt mean it like that but i lol'd....never mind
Oh yeah. I ain't suger coating it. This was planned well in advanced by CISIS. WHY? Becasue they were going to cut the budget of CISIS in half.
Go look it up. If you think our government won't do this kind of stuff then you better stop drinking the Starbucks.

sorry for the ignorance .. what is CISIS? Is that the Canadian chapter of ISIS? :confused:
.. btw, I never started drinking Starbucks.
Radio-Canada reported that the gunman’s parents were Susan Bibeau, a senior official with the Immigration Refugee Board, and Bulgasem Zehaf, a Libyan immigrant who ran a Montreal cafe between 1994 and 2002.
sorry for the ignorance .. what is CISIS? Is that the Canadian chapter of ISIS? :confused:
.. btw, I never started drinking Starbucks.

Maybe he's referring to canadian security intelligence service aka the canadian CIA
Let me put something to you.. if you Believe the government is capable of murdering an innocent man in cold blood for purely budgetary reasons...what are you doing about it posting on the internet? Get out their an fight back.
This is why i don't believe conspiracy theorist actually believe the things they say. The Bemoan the NWO and Big evil shadow governments. If I thought the government was lying to me this degree and killing people in this way i would be blowing up government offices and leading armed rebelion.

Hey you know why you think this way.. Because you are a good person... And so is everyone in this thread. Even the ones calling for the heads of Muslims or who ever and whatever.

We are good people being led astray. And we are confused and reacting. We are good people and we cannot comprehend that maybe there is some people that are not like us the majority.

"the bigger the lie the more people will believe it."

The simplest way to put it is. World politics is line grade six school yard politics. Lies, back stabbing and fights.. Accept on a bigger stage, the bait is not being the cool tough kid. The bait it world control

If you really go down the rabbits hole and research you will see the lies. It's there and it's clear. power perverts the mind and the human soul.. I am talking world wide power. Something more powerful then a quick $1000 for a street robber that kills a cabbie.. This world domination and power is a greater drug...

To these people a human life is the cost of doing business. If they did not feel this way. How could they send soldiers to Iraq to die based on proven lies... It was a business decision.

I wont say more, I don't want a "conspiracy " thread.. but leave you with this thought,, is it really hard to believe human kind will kill a human being for money and power... Has it happened in the past? Is it happening right now as you read this? Will it happen again the future?

The answer is yes to all 3 questions

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
Radio-Canada reported that the gunman’s parents were Susan Bibeau, a senior official with the Immigration Refugee Board, and Bulgasem Zehaf, a Libyan immigrant who ran a Montreal cafe between 1994 and 2002.

Seriously? His mother is a senior IRB official and she didn't see that he was becoming radicalized? Speaks volumes about the people deciding who gets into the country, eh?
Where is the CCTV camera footage of these shootings?
Media reported there were multiple shooters.
If there were gun man with high powered rifles, then how did they get that far into the building?

This smells like a false flag attack. The biggest give away was Steven Harpers prepared speech. It was so well crafted just hours after the shooting.

It's called pre-programming. Most of the rest of the world have working minds so this pre-programming won't work. Only on the brain dead zombies here in North America.


Bro don't take infowars too serious or your brain starts to turn to jello
Seriously? His mother is a senior IRB official and she didn't see that he was becoming radicalized? Speaks volumes about the people deciding who gets into the country, eh?

Bit of a leap. Perhaps they were estranged perhaps she worse the alert like others have.
Where is the CCTV camera footage of these shootings?
Media reported there were multiple shooters.
If there were gun man with high powered rifles, then how did they get that far into the building?

This smells like a false flag attack. The biggest give away was Steven Harpers prepared speech. It was so well crafted just hours after the shooting.

It's called pre-programming. Most of the rest of the world have working minds so this pre-programming won't work. Only on the brain dead zombies here in North America.

I can't believe we share equal voting rights.
I wont say more, I don't want a "conspiracy " thread.. but leave you with this thought,, is it really hard to believe human kind will kill a human being for money and power... Has it happened in the past? Is it happening right now as you read this? Will it happen again the future?

Yes the answer is yes to all three. But none of the questions are relevant to this thread. There is no evidence to suggest it happened here. If you want to provide some I will consider it but until then its just more wailing of simplistic conspiracy theorists.
Seriously? His mother is a senior IRB official and she didn't see that he was becoming radicalized? Speaks volumes about the people deciding who gets into the country, eh?

He was 30, and she divorced his father(step?) in 1999... it's not outside the realm of possibilities that they had little contact with each-other. Her statements to the media showed no sympathy for her own son, only for the lost soldier.
Shouldn't you go out and start hunting down brown people?? What about hunting down the Black and Chinese? Let's inlcude some purple and green people.
Soon as the purple and green people start beheading innocents and broadcasting it on the internet, they're on the list, too.
You're reasoning has some, er, flaws.
You cite the readiness of Harper's speech as the best indication that this was all a pre-planned ruse by the government. As a professional writer for over 30 years, I can tell you a political writer can knock out 100 seconds worth of speech in about 2 hours, if he's slow. That includes reviews and edits. More likely an hour for an event like this; the stuff practically writes itself.
Government conspiracy? Have you looked at our governments? At any level, they couldn't conspire to order lunch. Again, I draw on my own experience of over eight years within the government.
Where's the CCTV footage? Given that there is a pretty intense investigation going on right now, it's unlikely they are going to release anything that could potentially be evidence so that it can be played on the evening news.
Multiple gunmen? Yes, early reports stated that POSSIBLY there were. It has since been confirmed that there was only the one. Confusion often leads to incorrect conclusions. Nothing new there, nor does it prove anything.
How did he enter the Centre Block armed with a shotgun? Because we live in a country where the parliament buildings are open to all, where guns on the street are extremely rare, and where most people have difficulty fathoming the idea of an armed man shooting up our nation's capitol. In hindsight, that may be to our detriment but I'm still proud that my country is largely unfamiliar with such violence.
You are, of course, entitled to your opinions and to share them as you will. Another privilege brought to you by the "brain dead zombies of North America". If you feel other countries are better suited for your needs, we also feature open borders which allow people to leave.
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He was 30, and she divorced his father(step?) in 1999... it's not outside the realm of possibilities that they had little contact with each-other. Her statements to the media showed no sympathy for her own son, only for the lost soldier.

yes, read later that she claims she has had no contact for five years. The IRB aspect is incredibly ironic.
LOL I love the false-flag-morons who make youtube videos and base their arguments on media reports. Those of us who followed this situation live as it unfolded know that the media was consistently getting things wrong. At one point they nearly confirmed 3 separate shootings, one at the Rideau Center some distance away. And after the dust settles and fog clears, these moron conspiracy theorists take the news articles and sew them together to 'prove their case'. Hilarious.
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