Who dodged the bullet this year?:wave: Near misses? Cool stories bro?
Current ride, GS500, is invisible to cops and fellow motorcyclists
I used to have bikes that were faster - a ninja 1000 and a vfr 750. I got 5 tickets in one riding season and sold them and bought KLRWaze has kept me safe this year, clean license finally after coming down from 6 tickets.
All of them on my cage![]()
I don't know about cool, but it's a story.
A few weeks ago down in North Carolina, after riding the NC226a 'Little Switzerland', I was looking forward to my next twisty road which was the NC80 'The Devils Whip'. The distance between these two roads is only a few miles, but goes through a town where the speed is 50mph on the main road. A state trooper pulls me over.
Young guy gets out, asks me if I know the speed limit around here. I say I think it's 50. He asks me how fast do I think I was going? I tell him I have no idea (I should have said 49). He tells me I'm going 70mph and that it's a mandatory appearance for a court date. I've been on the road a long time by now and he ask if I have been riding a long ways. I tell him yeah I was up in Maine and before that Ontario and blah blah blah. I'm kinda zoned out from riding so long and still a bit delirious from the fun I was having on all these twisty roads. He takes my info and goes back to the car. I use the time to oil my chain, eat some food, change my batteries in my Go Pro and put on my rain gear. He comes back just as I finished up and reduces the ticket to 15 over - no court date - just pay online from home and all is good.
I can see some dark clouds in the distance and they seem to be right over the mountains of NC80 where I was headed. I point over there and ask him if those clouds are right over the NC80. He say you going over there? You don't want to go on that road, because it's really twisty and dangerous. I say thanks - that's exactly why I'm going there and off I went.
While he was writing the ticket and I was oiling my chain, some kid sees me pulled over and calls me over asking if I need a ride anywhere because he thought my bike was going to be impounded. Cop was nice, kid was nice, roads are nice - can't wait to go back.
Was the cop's last name Anderson, by any chance?
Hah Yes it was. You know him?
He must love us canucks.
Dodged one that was memorable:
QEW Hamilton bound from Niagara.
~240kph. Fast lane.
Long line of cars in the middle lane.
One was "deep" but didn't pursue.
I bought a lottery ticket.
Not as lucky with that.
that's slow for you Gary you ok ?