it seems there are many crooked employers nowadays.
So the situation
I have money enough to not need to work. i work to stay busy . so i didn't pay enough attention to my pay cheques. the business is a small (3 employees. the owner/boss, shopkeep, and tech/me). i've been there since end of april.
turns out i've been shorted almost $4000 going back to late april. i was paid 5 times (those cheques did clear) since i started (late april).
she has bounced the last couple cheques, or they have not been otherwise valid. i have not been paid at all since mid. aug
i never received pay stubs. other employees never received T4's or pay stubs going back several years.
i doubt that my deductions were paid (it was deducted from the cheques). i never received vacation pay.
i had my "ducks in a row", hours worked, wages paid/bounced, evidence etc in a spreadsheet.
i've told my boss/owner that i need to get paid up. she told me friday. i told her i wanted post-dated cheques. she refused. i asked for collateral. she got violent. she threw books, product, tools, etc at me, tore stuff off the walls and more. she was about to hit me, but caught herself.
her **** buddy stopped by with her lunch (he lives close). he was able to get her to go to her office and calm down a bit. i wanted some sign of good faith that i would be paid. in the end he gave me $1000 (good faith via email deposit) to leave and to come back on friday when she'll have the money. when the transfer was made the memo siad it was in trust of future payment. it was not a settlement
i plan on returning the $1000 when i get fully paid, not deducting it from the outstanding pay.
the business is almost dead. bills aren't getting paid, suppliers have been stiffed, utilities have been shut off (except hydro). i would be surprised if it saw christmas. i almost expect her to just bankrupt the place to stiff me.
i think i've also been fired as a result of the scene. does this affect EI?
i plan on filing a ESA complaint. not sure when. need to be paid first.
what else do i do?
You didn't pay attention to your paycheque? :lmao:
Im out, not worth the infractions/banning that this thread will lead to...
You didn't pay attention to your paycheque? :lmao:
Im out, not worth the infractions/banning that this thread will lead to...
FYI, op has head injury.
the employer is now trying to get the other employees to sign a contract saying that any conversation ever had with me is inadmissible in court.
Just filed an ESA claim.
Yes Rob. sounds exactly like our business, except we have an immensely profitable equipment rentals department.
my main question is has anyone used the employment standards act to pursue an issue against an employer?