moved up to a ninja 300 from a cbr 125, regretting it --- why is bigger better?


Well-known member
i bought the ninja last friday, paid for it on monday, and am now told it may be ready next monday or tuesday (after being told it would be ready last wednesday or thursday). I know it's a busy time of year and all, but i'm kinda ****** and want to cancel the deal. I'm only 150 pounds, and the 125 was great for my gardiner commute and bombing around the city (i live downtown). i want some more power on the highway, but honestly:

why does everyone say they want to 'upgrade'? i don't understand. as the bike gets bigger, it gets less 'sporty', no? can't really throw it around like a smaller bike. My 125 i can split lanes (i know, not saying i do it all the time, but you know how traffic is in toronto sometimes), u turn, park anywhere, etc. I bought the 300 because my 125 is getting up in kms and i can't take the rattle in my wrist at redline on the way home every day. I used to have an interceptor 500, and i find the 125 more 'fun', just not a great distance bike. your thoughts? the idea of driving around downtown every day on an r6 seems less fun than on the 125, but i'm sure i'm missing something, i'd just like to know what it is! :) just speed? power?
Relax and have a beer or something. When you take delivery of it you'll feel differently
It's not like you bought a Ninja 1000 or something. The 300 is still a nice light bike with modest power. However, there is enough power to make highway commutes more tolerable and you will have enough power to overtake people now or have some reserve if you need to get yourself out of a tight spot. My buddy is on his second season with his 300 and he is still really happy.

I think once you get the bike and put some miles on it you will be smitten.
Seems like you are just regretting the hassle of waiting for your new bike.

I await your thread about how it was the best decision you ever made!
Likely a little light for the highway, will barely do but just, but still a nice move from a 125, enjoy the summer and stay safe.
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i have a 125 and will probably keep it even if i get another bike. it is just too good in the city to get rid off. after Italy won yesterday, st clair was packed... it would have taken me another 10-15 min to get from yonge to keele on anything else... the 125 ate that traffic and didnt even belch
People upgrade for more power because they ride thier bikes for fun and going fast is fun. You ride to commute so that's why you don't understand. And don't worry you'll have your new bike soon. Salesman will always lie to you on delivery dates just to get a sale. You'll have it soon enough it's very very busy at this time of year for motorcycle dealers. Go for a group ride in some twisty roads and you'll be wanting a r6 lol I started with a 125 the a 250 then a r6

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Ride the bike you want, not what anybody think is cool. Your $
Cancel your deal then. You're right, a 300 is definitely less sporty than a 125cc. Might as well go lower and get a scooter. Fu*kk it, why stop there - get one of them push scooters. Wayyy more sporty. How about shoes? Think about how you'd be able to sidestep traffic in those! :rolleyes:

Edit: I'm just being a d1ck... Have patience, you'll love your bike when you get it
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Cancel your deal then. You're right, a 300 is definitely less sporty than a 125cc. Might as well go lower and get a scooter. Fu*kk it, why stop there - get one of them push scooters. Wayyy more sporty. How about shoes? Think about how you'd be able to sidestep traffic in those! :rolleyes:

Edit: I'm just being a d1ck... Have patience, you'll love your bike when you get it

You just made me Rofl.
Yeah when I sold my 125 after having my 250 for a month or so it felt like a bicycle lol.. Much less sporty

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I don't know...I bought my CBX250 when I had two 750s in the garage. It was fun in it's own way....just not on the highway. lol
I doubt the 300 and 125 will feel all that much differently, once you do get used to the minor weight difference. Like others have said if you jumped to a Z1000 or VFR800 then that might be different.

As for the 300R barley doing highway speeds that's will be more than fine. The 300R has more power than my CBR250RA, and it can do the 401 fine up to 140ish, although overtaking is a bit of an issue (and no reserve power to get out of trouble quickly). I think my CBR has about 26hp and the Ninja 300R has high 30s? Also weighs less than the CBR iirc.
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i think ur just venting impulsively.

ur statement about "as the bike gets bigger it gets less sporty" is kinda not here nor there. lol, if u get a bigger bike thats a super sport bike, then of course it will be more sporty. if you get a bigger bike that is a cruiser, of course it will be less sporty. Sportiness is determined by the type of motorcycle it is, not by its size :/.

i commute on my zx7 which is a fat pig compared to modern standards, but i love it. and i have no problem lane splitting and doing the same things u mentioned u do on your 125. it may not be as easy as on ur 125, but it can be done, and it is done.

so chill, and wait for that 300, cuz youll understand once you start riding it.
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People upgrade because the 125 is the least "sporty" bike that you can buy. The Ninja 300 sounds like a good bike for you, due to it filling all your needs.

I can guarantee that I can split and get though traffic faster + easier on my R6 with my Oxford bags on the sides and a passenger, then your 125. That comes from experience. I wouldn't suggest doing it here in Canada anyways, not the same.
You guys.

The OP misused the word "sporty" - the 125 is insanely easy to lean, and anything bigger does feel like a brick the first few times.

OP you'll get the hang of it, but you're right, nothing is going to be as easy to throw around as a CBR125.

If I wasn't such a fat POS I'd get a CBR125 to putter around town. Best scooter ever.
I doubt the 300 and 125 will feel all that much differently, once you do get used to the minor weight difference. Like others have said if you jumped to a Z1000 or VFR800 then that might be different.

As for the 300R barley doing highway speeds that's will be more than fine. The 300R has more power than my CBR250RA, and it can do the 401 fine up to 140ish, although overtaking is a bit of an issue (and no reserve power to get out of trouble quickly). I think my CBR has about 26hp and the Ninja 300R has high 30s? Also weighs less than the CBR iirc.

Went from a 125 for 300 and it made a world of difference on the highway. Get to highway speeds in less than half the time it takes the 125 to get there (literally) and overtaking is not a problem at all. Going from 100 -> 135 takes the ninja 300 maybe 3 secs or less (just an estimate) while it seemed to take it took more than 5 secs for the 125 to go from 100->120.

As for city riding, nothing really beats the cbr125.

The 300 also feels a lot more stable through turns and higher speeds vs the cbr125.

At the time I had my cbr125 I was around 150lbs (or less).
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I'm confused. So you haven't even taken delivery of your 300 yet, and you're baffled by why people want to upgrade their bikes - as if to suggest everyone that upgrades has to suffer the pain of waiting for a dealer to deliver it? Your post also means you likely went to the dealer; got sold on a bike, and plonked down the money all with a negative, undecided attitude towards the purchase.

I swear, with logic like this one needs to really worry about the Rider on the bike - that's the logic of the person operating!
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I doubt the 300 and 125 will feel all that much differently, once you do get used to the minor weight difference. Like others have said if you jumped to a Z1000 or VFR800 then that might be different.

As for the 300R barley doing highway speeds that's will be more than fine. The 300R has more power than my CBR250RA, and it can do the 401 fine up to 140ish, although overtaking is a bit of an issue (and no reserve power to get out of trouble quickly). I think my CBR has about 26hp and the Ninja 300R has high 30s? Also weighs less than the CBR iirc.

Riding a low cc bike on a highway is asking for trouble it will barely make it is correct try a pass on a windy day and see what happens or a big rig flying past your lane on a lighweight need some weight and speed on a highway not a potentially dangerous light toy.
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