Stolen motorcycle on test drive tonight. June-14- 10 pm


Well-known member
Hi everyone. Hoping someone will have some info. Friend selling his bike tonight and had it stolen on the test drive. bike is the one in the ad.

Green/black 2011 kawi ninja with a carbon Yoshimura slip on.

Please save any comments on "he should have not let him test drive it". It happened. The cops have been called.

Happened at 10 pm tonight in the burnamthorpe/Erin mills.


Please if you know or heard something.. pm me.

I will post more details as they become available.

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"no test rides unless asking price (cash) in my hand."

I'm guessing he doesn't have the cash then.

Really ****** that that happened though.
Description of how he looked like?

Did they meet at a plaza/Tims? Maybe there were cameras around that caught his face?
Going over to his house to get details now. They stole it at his house which is on south millway and Erin mills.

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Sorry to hear. Moot point I know but he should have asked for the cash if someone wanted to ride.
Call the cops claim insurance. Did you get a picture of him?

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No.. called cops and insurance. . No pic.. didn't look suspicious

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Why is this happening at 10pm? Why is there no cash in hand? Why was this allowed to happen in 2 seconds? From an insurance companys point of view, I wouldn't be paying out a cent (no offense). Why no description of the guy?
Sorry to hear that...but what is the guys description? Height? Hair or bald? Skin colour?
Can you be more specific than Ninja? 250R/ZX6/ZX10/1000?

Edit: Didn't click through to the ad, it's a ZX6
I'm with faisal now... bike was stolen off the driveway.. white dude.. about 5'6. All black clothing. Came WITHOUT a helmet and ALONE.

There was a car parked at the end of the driveway. Guy sat on bike.. just to check it out. Gave an envelope of "supposed money". While opening envelope and distracted, he darted and was gone with the wind. He has to have had another person nearby as he was without a helmet.

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Wow! That's pretty ballsy...note to test pilots unless I see full amount of cash in hand!
Sorry to hear this happen to your friend.

How was the communication made between the seller and buyer/thief? Maybe the authorities can use that information to track him down.

Was the tank also full on gas? If not maybe the thief went to a nearby gas station to fill up too. Check cameras if possible.
Very little gas

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That's a start! He has to fill up somehow either by bringing the bike to the station or have a friend go fill up a container.

Security cameras and CCTV might be able to spot them. Not sure how you would be able to obtain them.

What was the form of communication prior before the meet? If it e-mail or phone try to search them up on Google. Possible tracks left behind on the web.

There is only so much you can do on your own with the authorities, but trying to find as much information as possible would be a great head start.
Description was given to the police.. was dealing with alot that's why didn't update so much on here... White. 5'6 black sweat suit. Black hat.. face was calm and collected.. wasn't nervous at all. I reported to police less than a minute after he ran away(had to get my phone). Within a minute police got a call for speeding motorcycle with two riders on one bike with helmets on in the vicinity heading in the direction of the hwy I believe. Communication method was by phone and the police are looking into it.... thinking about it now.. This was very ballsy. . He showed up and did this in front of me.. not like Picking up a bike in a condo.

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Last edited: need to worry about selling the bike anymore right? I guess if you really want to "sell" your bike, you leave it on the sidewalk at 10pm on a saturday night. There really should never be an opportunity for anyone to sit on your bike, let alone ride off with it unless you have the legit cash in hand. Here's an envelope, vroom vroom?
With all due respect tinkle not everyone has a lifetime of experience in these matters.. you only learn these things with experience... As I have... I tried to be careful but it still happened... we all think it won't happen to us.. until it happens..

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