My Dad put tire shine on my tires


Well-known member
He didn't know any better and thought it would look good. Any advice on how to get it off? I'm scared ******** to ride it now.

This is my signature.....apparently
soam and water, scrub em good. light sand paper on the tread....bonus you can get rid of the chicken strips too ;P
He didn't know any better and thought it would look good. Any advice on how to get it off? I'm scared ******** to ride it now.

This is my signature.....apparently

Your dad rocks!
Alcohol should help getting rid of that stuff. To be applied internally.
Your dad is trying to get rid of you. What's your life insurance like?
Your dad rocks!
Alcohol should help getting rid of that stuff. To be applied internally.

I agree 100%%%%

Regardless of what happened. The fact that your Dad was stoked to the point he wanted to surprise you with shiny tires.

Great guy. Call your dad and tell him you love him. You'll remember this in the future as much as it was not his best decision.

My Father In Law done the same to me....

Another forum recommended brake cleaner, which I used and it seemed to have done the trick.

He didn't know any better and thought it would look good. Any advice on how to get it off? I'm scared ******** to ride it now.

This is my signature.....apparently
It's not that big a deal... just ride the thing. You are worrying too much. Take it easy at first...

If I can take it off as an option I'd rather try that. I'm probably still going to ride extra careful even so.

This is my signature.....apparently
brake cleaner might dry out your tires, I think if you got some Simple Green and used it, you should be able to get the shine off.......

good or bad, but it happened,,,, I had some kerosene and used that to wipe up the rear tire sidewall, it seemed to have worked OK and I did not find it oily afterwards......but use caution if you go this route..

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