cbr600 f4/f4i crash cage recomendations?


hey guys what does GTAM recommend in terms of a crash cage for a cbr 600 f4/f4i? would it be unreasonable to look for one with decent protection that also allows me to lean the bike over enough in the corners?
hey guys what does GTAM recommend in terms of a crash cage for a cbr 600 f4/f4i? would it be unreasonable to look for one with decent protection that also allows me to lean the bike over enough in the corners?
I always found that entire cages are a little bit too intruding, I would just get sliders and call it a day if you need the manueverability.
i've got sliders but i'm not sure how they would hold up if i were to drop a wheelie which is why i want a crash cage
what type of wheelies? regardless a crash cage wont do much for you...if you're looking to stunt get a stunt cage if your not interested in stunting but throw up the occasional wheelie get a Bible or Quran or something of that sort and just pray you don't drop it because cage or no cage there's a good possibility your bikes a write off if you drop at high speeds
I would recommend TygerShark if you can still find out.
I would recommend TygerShark if you can still find out.

no no you dont want tyger-shark...friend has one on his rr and its not top quality and the likelihood of you getting a new one is slim to none so you'll end up using some ones already beat up cage

go with something that has a good rep and is still around

i use SI cage right now and i have no complaints
Id have to say I have experienced the exact opposite, TS has been the best cage I have ever used and also the most popular with pretty much everyone I ride with. The first TS cage I bought about 5 years ago, has been used by someone else after me, and is still being used by another person after him. And that was their first design that has changed a lot and is even stronger after they added the cross bars.

Also I bought a cage for someone from them and they had a big accident, basically rode the bike through a fence at like 100km/h, one side of the TS cage ripped off the bike taking a big piece of the frame with it....Sounds bad but if you saw the crash something had to break, anyways the one side was so mangled I didnt expect TS to warranty it. I asked if they could sell me just one side, they refused and asked me to send in the whole cage. They sent back what looked like a completely new cage, Im not sure if they fixed it or just gave me a new one thats how good it was....

Then again a while ago my friend wanted to send in his cage, but they had already stopped making cages at that point. Even thought they were not making cages anymore, they still made him a new one and gave him a great price and all kinds of extra hardware and sliders etc...The lady that answers the phones and takes the orders has always been great to me, and Bruce makes good quality stuff

So as far as TS goes in my group of riders, everyone would take a TS over anything else on the market if they could find one...Even a used TS is better then most of the new cages...
i've never used TS so i can only speak on behalf of my friend but i've had a pretty smooth experience with SI so far and if you have a pretty commonly stunted bike they might have your stuff already in stock you could have it in no time...

if you dont want to waste anytime just go with SI and test it out
lol yea I had a chance to talk to Ernie Vigil he was saying the TS cage was the bees knees for the f4/f4i I'm just not sure where I'd be able to find one. anybody have any hookups?
If you have no cut frame sliders on the F4i, get them off now before you have to use them.
99% of no cuts for the F4i will actually do more damage to your motorcycle in a crash, A buddies bike tipped over in his driveway at zero speed and the frame slider cracked the side of the valve cover and did some damage to his engine.
Just a heads up.
If you have no cut frame sliders on the F4i, get them off now before you have to use them.
99% of no cuts for the F4i will actually do more damage to your motorcycle in a crash, A buddies bike tipped over in his driveway at zero speed and the frame slider cracked the side of the valve cover and did some damage to his engine.
Just a heads up

I would have to disagree, my bike is a dirty slut that I let all my friends and family members learn to ride on. even though i don't have the no cut sliders my mother and friends have dropped it I would Imagine at the lower speed beginners ride at would be fine for no cuts which would only really be something that inexperienced riders would have untill they step up to proper frame sliders. still, I want a crash cage before i start going out of my comfort zone in terms of height of my wheelies and stunts i'm able to do
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