Are these legal to put on?

They're like $5 to $10 so just buy 'em and get it out of your system.
I had a set (two actually) and they looked neat for a while. Cool novelty. Cops never hassled me. They eventually fell apart at which point I put the normal valve caps back on amd haven't looked back.

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Just do it, the ticket is probably cheap. Besides, can you really put a price on looking cool in front of your peers?
The HTA says only white or amber light can be cast forward and only red can be cast rearward. If the lights on the wheels cast light forward or to the rear, you can't use them.
no it doesn't. Re-read that section of the HTA and come back.
Just do it, the ticket is probably cheap. Besides, can you really put a price on looking cool in front of your peers?

You make it sound like it's some big risk? If the topic were about riding without any protection then I could see where the sarcasm might be coming from. But really, over some crappy led? This is such a typical sounding comment on gtam these days and the reason I don't hang out here more.
no it doesn't. Re-read that section of the HTA and come back.
HTA said:
62. (1) When on a highway at any time from one-half hour before sunset to one-half hour after sunrise and at any other time when, due to insufficient light or unfavourable atmospheric conditions, persons and vehicles on the highway are not clearly discernible at a distance of 150 metres or less, every motor vehicle other than a motorcycle shall carry three lighted lamps in a conspicuous position, one on each side of the front of the vehicle which shall display a white or amber light only, and one on the rear of the vehicle which shall display a red light only
HTA said:
Lamps required on motorcycles
(2) Subject to subsection (3), when on a highway at any time every motorcycle shall carry two lighted lamps in a conspicuous position, one on the front of the vehicle which shall display a white light only, and one on the rear of the vehicle which shall display a red light only
HTA said:
Red and blue lights to the front restricted
(14.1) In addition to the lighting requirements in this Part, a police department vehicle may carry lamps that cast red and blue lights, but no other motor vehicle shall carry any lamp that casts red and blue lights to the front

i'm confused. Am i reading this wrong?
i'm confused. Am i reading this wrong?

Again it is a very poorly worded laws. Just look at 62(2), Motorcycle lights. It describes the MINIMUM lighting but as we all know bikes also have amber turn signals. which intermittently cast amber light to the front and rear.

As for the section 62(14.1) dealing with police vehicles again it must be a combination of red AND blue lights. Other vehicles can cast red light or a combination of lights just not red AND blue, (ambulances red/white, fire vehicles red or red/white, MNR conservation vehicles, MTO enforcement vehicles, Military bomb disposal vehicles red). Plus a couple of others. Then volunteer fire fighters may have a flashing GREEN light, (but ONLY while responding to an emergency).

As for the OP it is unlikely this will get you a $50 ticket, (I think that is still the set fine). But as others have said it may draw unwanted attention to you and the bike. If there are other issues, (licence plate mounted wrong etc), it provides an opportunity for a teaching
i had something similar. white on front, red on rear. i had the ones with motion sensor (lights up when moving, shuts off after a few secs when stopped) and they're smaller/lower profile than the ones you had on the link.

i wanted to try and see, so i did. had them for a couple of months or so. didn't have any issues with the police. i even remember having a police cruiser beside me while approaching the stop lights and them looking at my wheels when we stopped. we nodded at each other and off we went. that was the closest interaction i had with the police while i had them light valves on my bike.

i've taken them off now though. i cracked one in the process.
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Again it is a very poorly worded laws. Just look at 62(2), Motorcycle lights. It describes the MINIMUM lighting but as we all know bikes also have amber turn signals. which intermittently cast amber light to the front and rear.

As for the section 62(14.1) dealing with police vehicles again it must be a combination of red AND blue lights. Other vehicles can cast red light or a combination of lights just not red AND blue, (ambulances red/white, fire vehicles red or red/white, MNR conservation vehicles, MTO enforcement vehicles, Military bomb disposal vehicles red). Plus a couple of others. Then volunteer fire fighters may have a flashing GREEN light, (but ONLY while responding to an emergency).

As for the OP it is unlikely this will get you a $50 ticket, (I think that is still the set fine). But as others have said it may draw unwanted attention to you and the bike. If there are other issues, (licence plate mounted wrong etc), it provides an opportunity for a teaching

my neighbors kid's friend has an uncle who says your wrong. That's just some dudes opinion doesn't prove sh*t. You say i'm wrong without backing it up, then AFTER a proper explanation is given by someone else you drum up some hearsay? I'm confused. But for different reasons now.

Again it is a very poorly worded laws. Just look at 62(2), Motorcycle lights. It describes the MINIMUM lighting but as we all know bikes also have amber turn signals. which intermittently cast amber light to the front and rear.

As for the section 62(14.1) dealing with police vehicles again it must be a combination of red AND blue lights. Other vehicles can cast red light or a combination of lights just not red AND blue, (ambulances red/white, fire vehicles red or red/white, MNR conservation vehicles, MTO enforcement vehicles, Military bomb disposal vehicles red). Plus a couple of others. Then volunteer fire fighters may have a flashing GREEN light, (but ONLY while responding to an emergency).
ok. section (15) says no red to the front, but other than that, what you said makes sense.
thank you.
my neighbors kid's friend has an uncle who says your wrong. That's just some dudes opinion doesn't prove sh*t. You say i'm wrong without backing it up, then AFTER a proper explanation is given by someone else you drum up some hearsay? I'm confused. But for different reasons now.

Ya you are confused.... and your reading comprehension is really poor also.

And I don't have to prove anything... I'm telling you the law says blue lights facing forward is not illegal, you say it is... fine...
The sections of the HTA that were quoted are still current, and in a nutshell, anything other than white or amber to the front, and red to the rear is grounds for a traffic stop and possibly a fine. The fine is $85.

If a ticket were issued, the defendant could ask for a trial, where the officer would have to testify that there was light coming from the motor vehicle, visible to the front, in a colour other than white or amber. The conviction would likely register, unless the defendant could raise a reasonable doubt in the mind of the JP. This is where you produce countless pages of home-grown internet research on the topic and the opinion of Simon Borys. Mr. Borys raises some interesting opinions on the subject, and it may result in a dismissal (which is good for defendant). In order to counter that defence, the officer would have to collect very good evidence at the roadside, that after appeal could potentially make some case law on the subject.

If it were me, I would have a harder time issuing a charge for lighted valve caps than I would for a neon glow kit underneath.
Ya you are confused.... and your reading comprehension is really poor also.

And I don't have to prove anything... I'm telling you the law says blue lights facing forward is not illegal, you say it is... fine...
I've been wrong before and i will be wrong again. I don't mind being wrong if you can prove i'm wrong. (thats how you learn)

And you're right you don't have to prove anything. The only thing that bugs me is the OP asked you to prove your point and you didn't or couldn't.

Anyone know where I can find out forsure?
this is the highway traffic act. <link>
with the reg's here <link>
Basically, I would avoid this because it will draw attention, and could be used by ornery police to ticket you on those law even if they are misinterpreted.

The flashing lights laws state blue-red flashing, but this is the law they use when they try and ticket you for flashing beams to warn of a radar trap.
Meanwhile, some guy is driving around Hamilton with a red Veloster with multi-color flashing red-blue LEDs everywhere. Dorkus.
The only way they are illegal is if when they pass by say the brakes, forks, etc and males an intermittent flash.
My bike has blue leds throughout and all 4 cops I spoke to said it was 100% legal, plus the HTA says its legal too.


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