Stupidly overpriced motorcycle for sale thread

I don't understand why people are such ***** when posting FS ads. "Don't waste my time"....Then don't try to sell privately. It's the nature of the beast.

"Please do NOT try and lowball me. Any offer under $4000 will be ignored. If you'd like to make me an offer on the bike, come see it first and we will talk.

This bike is NOT perfect, it is priced accordingly. If you wanna come try and point out what is wrong with an AS-IS bike which is not brand new just to try and throw me a cheap low ball offer, I will tell you to leave.

This is a well priced, LOW KM. Good looking jump on and ride bike. If you can't afford it start looking for some piece of crap that has been dropped or beat on for 30,000km++++"

Went to see it. Fairing cracked and held on with zip ties, no mirrors, no muffler, no front sprocket cover... At 4800 asking and "jump on and ride" advertised, I wonder why people keep pointing out all the stuff that's wrong with it. Someone was apparently coming to get it when I saw it (although I thought that was BS), but I could still have it if I paid more than the other guy. A week and a half later and it's still up....

Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
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I don't understand why people are such ***** when posting FS ads. "Don't waste my time"....Then don't try to sell privately. It's the nature of the beast.

Why are sellers such *****?
I beg the opposite - why are buyers such *****?

Can't tell you how many stupid offers I have received on Kijiji, or people who show up, knowing my price is good and then say they only brought $500-1000 less than price agreed upon. Or people who say they will meet at a specific time, and then never show. All wastes of time.
Why are sellers such *****?
I beg the opposite - why are buyers such *****?

Can't tell you how many stupid offers I have received on Kijiji, or people who show up, knowing my price is good and then say they only brought $500-1000 less than price agreed upon. Or people who say they will meet at a specific time, and then never show. All wastes of time.

I agree with the showing up with less than agreed is a dick move. If it were me, I'd tell them where the nearest bank machine is.

Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
Why are sellers such *****?
I beg the opposite - why are buyers such *****?

Can't tell you how many stupid offers I have received on Kijiji, or people who show up, knowing my price is good and then say they only brought $500-1000 less than price agreed upon. Or people who say they will meet at a specific time, and then never show. All wastes of time.

Iz it stil fer sail?
Why are sellers such *****?
I beg the opposite - why are buyers such *****?

Can't tell you how many stupid offers I have received on Kijiji, or people who show up, knowing my price is good and then say they only brought $500-1000 less than price agreed upon. Or people who say they will meet at a specific time, and then never show. All wastes of time.

We have no negative enforcement of a-hole behaviour. Only agree to meet if they give you their number, then spam the crap out of their email and call then at 3am.

Guys who show up short get a brief, "F- you", and turn them back to home. I did this over $20 once because an agreed price is the price.
I thought the bike just needed Visine.
Maybe Vagisil
Vagisil! When you get a surprise, between your thighs -- Vagisil!

Vagisil! When dryness lingers, get some cream on those fingers! Vagisiiiil!

VAGISIL!! I scream, you scream... we ALL scream for vagina cream!
Folks, read your labels. Do NOT confuse Vagisil with VagiSEAL. Just a heads up to all the GTAM ladies and guys with vaginas, there are quite a few.

Maybe Vagisil
Vagisil! When you get a surprise, between your thighs -- Vagisil!

Vagisil! When dryness lingers, get some cream on those fingers! Vagisiiiil!

VAGISIL!! I scream, you scream... we ALL scream for vagina cream!

"Please do NOT try and lowball me. Any offer under $4000 will be ignored. If you'd like to make me an offer on the bike, come see it first and we will talk.

This bike is NOT perfect, it is priced accordingly. If you wanna come try and point out what is wrong with an AS-IS bike which is not brand new just to try and throw me a cheap low ball offer, I will tell you to leave.

This is a well priced, LOW KM. Good looking jump on and ride bike. If you can't afford it start looking for some piece of crap that has been dropped or beat on for 30,000km++++"

Went to see it. Fairing cracked and held on with zip ties, no mirrors, no muffler, no front sprocket cover... At 4800 asking and "jump on and ride" advertised, I wonder why people keep pointing out all the stuff that's wrong with it. Someone was apparently coming to get it when I saw it (although I thought that was BS), but I could still have it if I paid more than the other guy. A week and a half later and it's still up....

Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk


i emailed the guy and told him what his bike is actually worth. i also invited him to gtamotorcycle :lmao:

i emailed the guy and told him what his bike is actually worth. i also invited him to gtamotorcycle :lmao:

Nice, but if you check the buy and sell section I think he's already a member. Definitely the first bike I've ever seen with a 12+ rear sprocket. Thought it probably meant -1/+2, but its definitely +12. It can apparently "keep up with a 1000 until you get on the highway". After which it must get 3km/L.

Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
Nice, but if you check the buy and sell section I think he's already a member. Definitely the first bike I've ever seen with a 12+ rear sprocket. Thought it probably meant -1/+2, but its definitely +12. It can apparently "keep up with a 1000 until you get on the highway". After which it must get 3km/L.

Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
Ya you are right the guy is a member on here. Emailed me back calling me an idiot and then messaged me on here telling me ee are too cheap and need to cough upmore dough. Also claims to be superior because his join date is 2009.

I love making new friends :lmao:
Ya you are right the guy is a member on here. Emailed me back calling me an idiot and then messaged me on here telling me ee are too cheap and need to cough upmore dough. Also claims to be superior because his join date is 2009.

I love making new friends :lmao:

the ads gone :3
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