Crappy Parker's Thread

I am no Sherlock, but it looks like the driver is in the car and the car is running...
I have a stack of these that I save for very special occasions. I think they're best used on people who put all their money into their car (ie ricers or proud truck owners) :D

edit: thanks Brian P. That vid's a keeper

That's awesome, where did you get that from?

I remember hearing on the news that there might be a chance for people to cash on idiots like this, I don't recall if it was just for City of Toronto or all of Ontario, but you call in and report it and I think the City sends out parking enforcement to tow/ticket the vehicle.
car was in Park. I know this, casue i had a conversation with him about being an ***. heres another, about 20 minutes earlier..[/[/QUOTE]
You should've just masturbated on the driver's seat. That'll teach him
That's awesome, where did you get that from?

I remember hearing on the news that there might be a chance for people to cash on idiots like this, I don't recall if it was just for City of Toronto or all of Ontario, but you call in and report it and I think the City sends out parking enforcement to tow/ticket the vehicle.
I used to work for them.

I don't know if you would get a reward for it it (if that's what you were implying), but you can definitely call people in and get their crap towed if it isn't in accordance with parking by-laws. Handicap/no parking/etc. will obviously be responded to more promptly than a 15 minute expired parking metre, though.

But a cop or someone with the power of a cop (most green p taggers) have to be present in order for it to be towed.
That's awesome, where did you get that from?

I remember hearing on the news that there might be a chance for people to cash on idiots like this, I don't recall if it was just for City of Toronto or all of Ontario, but you call in and report it and I think the City sends out parking enforcement to tow/ticket the vehicle.

It's an app that allows you to report illegally parked cars and potentially get a cut of the ticket:
It's an app that allows you to report illegally parked cars and potentially get a cut of the ticket:

Ok, I'm usually the last guy to be like this but...Big Brother much? I can see this being useful for reporting people in handicap/loading/ramps etc. but you just KNOW there's gonna be busybodies that use it to report the guy with a fresh expired ticket.
more fantastic people I came across today walking the dogs... the RV is there every few weeks and covers the sidewalk each time for several days.

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more fantastic people I came across today walking the dogs... the RV is there evry few weeks and covers the sidewalk each time for several days.

I've got a similar last evening walk with the dog.

Be a real shame if you happened to have some keys/pocket knife leap out of your pocket as you filter through.
I think you need to setup a cheap step stool on each side of the car where it overhangs the sidewalk. Then put a sign up to encourage people to just walk over the hood rather than go around....

I think you need to setup a cheap step stool on each side of the car where it overhangs the sidewalk. Then put a sign up to encourage people to just walk over the hood rather than go around....


All you need is a cheap wobbly step stool go out.:rolleyes: Nobody needs a law suit. Well, ok, a lawyer needs a law suit but they're professionals. You need to go with sturdy stools. I could probably set you up with some stool samples, nothing crappy.
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