Full leather for street riding stupid?


Well-known member
I just bought my first bike and want to spare no expense when it comes to good gear. I'm considering just riding in full leathers on the street, is that a stupid idea?

RIding is a pure hobby thing, not a transportation thing for me.

Not stupid at all, however at 30 C+ it will start to get a little uncomfortable
It's a personal choice.
Would you like to experience what asphalt feels like at 120 or even 60 km/h? Then try riding in shorts and a wife beater.
Skin grafts aren't fun. Personally i wear a 2 piece alpinestars suit for street riding and i'm only on a ninja 250. I'd probably say look into a 2 piece suit option where you can detach the jacket if its a super hot day or you're only going on a short ride you can combine it with some other leg protection of your choosing such as Kevlar jeans (many will argue it doesn't provide as much protection as leather would provide), but at the end of the day just like Al3rt said it's personal choice and how safe you wanna feel/be. You never know when you might take a spill (knock on wood) but its better to be safe rather than sorry.
It looks funny when someone is dressed in 1-piece on the street like a power ranger, but at the same time dragging your bare skin on the asphalt is one of the last things you want to experience.
Most of GTAMers are gear-nazis, so beware their advice! :evil1:

It's your choice, but full race leathers on the street is overkill, IMO. I would save your 1-piece for the track.
If you are size 48T I would be willing to sell a barely used two-piece suit (with perforated jacket) -- cheap.
Go to YouTube and do a search on motorcycle crashes and what happens after.. That might help you make a decision. I always ride in leathers, not matter where I'm going.
Not overkill by any means. I wear all my gear regardless of the weather and regardless of the distance I'm traveling. I'm textile though, so consider stop & go traffic when riding during the summer.
In Europe it's more common. Office workers will even ride in full leathers and change at the office. Here squiding to a parking lot pose down on your mom's insurance is more common.

Also, no one in Europe would drag their bike and wear an icon vest, sacrificing agility, performance and safety for straight line speed and a farmers tan. But like someone said above, it's a personal preference, though I would add it is largely determined by environment and peer pressure.

This is my attempt to steer you in the direction appreciating your equipment and being safe about it.

And then there's southern Asia!
I'm full leathers all the time. It gets hot but the road has taken some of my skin. I won't make that mistake again.
It's a good idea but a lot of people ride squid and will try to claim you're doing it to look cool even though we all know we look like Power Rangers in full gear.
It's a good idea but a lot of people ride squid and will try to claim you're doing it to look cool even though we all know we look like Power Rangers in full gear.

Lol for us to look cool? Hellz no lmao. It doesn't look cool at all. I've been dubbed batman (which really isn't that bad) by around 1000 ppl at work. Better than robin I guess.
In Europe it's more common. Office workers will even ride in full leathers and change at the office. Here squiding to a parking lot pose down on your mom's insurance is more common.

Europe is full of hipsters :)



OP: I would consider a 2 piece suit. There may be some days where you just want to cruise up and down Lakeshore and a full suit might get a bit overbearing.

European culture aside :confused: I would urge you to keep you skin and wear atleast a proper jacket.
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Most of GTAMers are gear-nazis, so beware their advice! :evil1:

It's your choice, but full race leathers on the street is overkill, IMO. I would save your 1-piece for the track.
You've probably never went to a gtam ride

In Europe it's more common. Office workers will even ride in full leathers and change at the office. Here squiding to a parking lot pose down on your mom's insurance is more common.

Also, no one in Europe would drag their bike and wear an icon vest, sacrificing agility, performance and safety for straight line speed and a farmers tan. But like someone said above, it's a personal preference, though I would add it is largely determined by environment and peer pressure.

This is my attempt to steer you in the direction appreciating your equipment and being safe about it.

And then there's southern Asia!
Hey aren't you the guy that wear full leathers in 30 deg weather?

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Full suit on the street looks ridiculous :lol: but its up to you how much you wanna protect the skin on your legs. Personally I only ride in jeans, but everything else is covered.

And it's got nothing to do with street vs track. The leather only protects you from abrasion, that's it. To realize its potential you'd have to slide down the pavement... which is far more likely at the track than on the street. When you wipe out on the street, unfortunately your fall and slide will most likely be stopped short by the various objects and curbs lining the roadways.
Perforated leather isn't too bad in warm weather when you're moving. I have pants and a jacket that are perforated and wear them for longer rides.
Maybe perforated leathers and a mess jacket/draggin jean with individual armour for those super hot days. I personally think leathers look cool. Daniese makes so great looking stuff.
Personally I only ride in jeans, but everything else is covered.
Unless it's kevlar jeans won't do much.

The street is more dangerous than the track, for the most part, so I'm not sure why you'd wear more protection at the track than on the road. You have run off zones and no cars to run you over on the track...
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