To the guy on the grey BMW adventure bike doing 110kph and blocking the fast lane of the 401 (west end) last night: did you not see the angry drivers within inches of you? You're going to get smoked pulling that stunt.
To the guy on the grey BMW adventure bike doing 110kph and blocking the fast lane of the 401 (west end) last night: did you not see the angry drivers within inches of you? You're going to get smoked pulling that stunt.
Ah, the motorcycle equivalent of a hummer...
. When I finally got past them on the right lane they pulled up at the light at Woodbine and started giving me hell saying that they ride and that they were going to call the cops. I blew up at them and next thing you know the idots tried folowing me down some back roads.
I wonder if there bike was the Grey BMW?
I bet they probably ride a cruiser... and used to riding side by side in formation.. ;-) All joking aside, its amazing these people dont have a clue on whats going on around them. I know in Australia and in NZ the keep right except to pass is enforced (well down there its keep left) and the police WILL ticket you if you block traffic.
I know in Australia and in NZ the keep right except to pass is enforced (well down there its keep left) and the police WILL ticket you if you block traffic.
The problem is that it isn't enforced here, at all. At 6:00 morning I'm generally doing 100-110 Kmh in the right-most lane, on the 401 past the airport, passing all vehicles to my left that are doing 80-90 Kmh.
When I went to Vancouver for a few weeks, it didn't even seem like it needed to be enforced as everyone moved to the right. (Was probably heavily enforced and everyone knew it and moved to the right)
The right lane seems to be the fastest lane 50% of the time... This seems to be the issue around the GTA, when you head up North, everybody moves to the right. Come to think of it, when you pass Major Mac going on the 400 and 404, people seem to get that.
To the person that always parks under the archway at Ryerson. You`re the man/woman. All the way from Northwest Territories.. I wish i could have a license plate the shape of a polar bear.
I haven't seen that one. I'll have to take a look when I'm heading over to Security.
Harley with a stretched front & a pirate on board, on Clonmore at about 6:50 yesterday evening. Pulled a U-turn right in front of me, proceeded up the bike line passed the line of cars, then switched over to lane split between the left turn & straight lane to get to the front of the intersection at Warden. When the light turned green, he decided to create his own double left to head north on Warden
Somehow I doubt that he's on the forum.
They aren't there all the time mostly during fall/winter semester. Hit and miss during summer. But nevertheless, great license plate.
Anyone ever get towed for parking under that archway?
Doesn't seem like a legal place to do it but I seem to see bikes there every so often...
People get on the highway, pull all the way over to the left, then pull out their cell phones. In the left lane they don't have to think or pay attention; just keep going straight.
I know it's not good to tailgate someone but it works 90% of the time the other 10% gets me to pass the on the right which if caught is cause for getting a ticket and find completely asstastic.![]()
I'm pretty sure the chances of you getting a ticket for "Passing on the right" is a lot less than a speeding ticket to begin with. The only issue with passing on the right is if the person crusing on the left lane decides to move over at the same time as when you pass.
Lol freaking pirates.
Bandana and vest ?