Crappy Parker's Thread

This is when I wish I had a ****** car I didn't care about, and park so close to the drivers door that Mr. Jaguar has to crawl in from the other side.

I do all the time

tsk tsk, i don't know about yoos kids....:rolleyes:

I honestly don't mind if someone parks like that on the far side of the parking lot (i.e. some employee always parks his 350Z like that at my local HD - no one ever parks that far). But parking like that so close to the entrance deserves a ticket or a nice big door ding.

bnineknine approved

What no cell phone cam?

not getting caught up in that rat race, thanx
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Jag and vette had a reason to part like that.
I honestly don't mind if someone parks like that on the far side of the parking lot (i.e. some employee always parks his 350Z like that at my local HD - no one ever parks that far). But parking like that so close to the entrance deserves a ticket or a nice big door ding.

Nope no air in the tires works fine all 4 of them

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Do you share in their small penis syndrome?

Hopefully he means letting the air out and not slashing tires

Granted, one is better than the other. Either way your taking a chance messing with someones sweet ride. You don't know who your dealing with, are you being watched, is somebody filming you etc. A mean spirited note outlining general douchieness slipped under a wiper blade would be better imho.
It's funny you would say that, seeing as the irony is completely lost on you.

That makes you happy that it's lost on me (it's not). Do you know how I know that? You should try the same investigative technique. You might avoid these types of faux pas. Maybe.
Did you check your car for dings? I do when someone is that close.

I have a whole list of things I look for when choosing a parking space. The GF thought it was a joke the first few times we went out, but now she helps me spot good spaces.

Things to consider:
Type of Vehicles in spaces next to the one I'm considering. Beat up cars/trucks is a no. Minivans are also a no, unless they have only one side door. In that case it's ok if you are not on the side of the kid door. Same thing with soccer mom SUVs. It's ok to park beside vehicles that are in good condition, are less likely to carry young kids and are either relatively new or something old with an obviously attentive owner.

Wind direction on windy days or the slope of the ground. Loose carts don't care where they end up.

If I can pull through a spot so I don't have to reverse at all. I am totally capable of getting dead center of a spot while backing up, but prefer not to if I don't have to.

Of course, some times you have no choice but to take what you get.
Long gone are the days where i give a crap about dings from other cars..

maybe when i have a vehicle that i actually care about it will be different., But right now, the one i have i dont care.. thats why im the worst guy in the world to park that close to, and it also makes it much easier to merge on the hwy's.
Long gone are the days where i give a crap about dings from other cars..

maybe when i have a vehicle that i actually care about it will be different., But right now, the one i have i dont care.. thats why im the worst guy in the world to park that close to, and it also makes it much easier to merge on the hwy's.

In certain social circles door dings are a misguided badge of honour not unlike tats, piercings and wife beaters (shirts and real). On plus side money saved on body work can be used to procure new gold tooth.
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