Well-known member
Glad you enjoyed the vid!! fun with a capital FUN!! 

What a great, fun video to watch. I concur with your sentiments. I started riding in Nov 2012 and I am smiling from ear to ear every time I am on the bike. I get the same feeling when I am out on the hill snowboarding, I find these activities so relaxing.
Thanks for making the video.
Thank you so much for taking the time to watch and commenting on my vid... I appreciate that! Glad you liked it!Your video put a nice big smile on my face, thanks. After years of riding it still rocks.
+1 as above! Great video. Good to see it on a day like today when it's cold, windy, and snow outside the windows!
I've only done this for 1.5 seasons and am really enjoying it and share many of your sentiments and feelings about it! Can't wait for spring!
600f4ilover, were you out riding this past weekend? I thought I may have seen you go from Clair->Hanlon->401 E
Hey, great video. Keep it up and thanks for sharing.
people that don't ride, will not understand you.
Awesome video!
I wish I could have started riding earlier !
Great video, watched it a few times now, always cheers me up when I have those "why do we have winter" blues.