blackberry stock advice

You're working backwards bro...
Clear your debts and then think about investing in the stock market.
If I miss this opp. I'm going to regret when its running at 25-30. I'll make due with my current situation, just sets me back 2 months.
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never purchased shares before - and following rim.

good combo...
Look I can get into a debate on rim, but not over the internet. Every discussion I've been in on people knocking rim, I've proven them wrong so far. I'm confident on this.
You're working backwards bro...
Clear your debts and then think about investing in the stock market.

Some people never change
"a fool and his money are soon parted"

anyway, lots of discount brokerages out there: Questtrade, Qtrade, go nuts.
While you're at it, why limit yourself to only $2K worth of share? You know more than the big boys. Time the market. Take out a loan. Get $20K of that bad boy.

can I also recommend this:
Should I open a trading account? Purchase physical stock from bank?
If you open with say RBC Direct Investing.

$30/ trade. Unless you got a lotta cash sitting in there.

Look around, fees are similar.

Its gambling, but it costs you more to gamble and there are a LOT more factors that come into play :)
If you pull the trigger, good luck... but yes it always better to clear debt before investing.

Ive had some stocks some clients have talked to me about and some of them made sense and id be rich if i had followed their advice. But 2012 was debt repayment year! Focus on your goal. Then move on to the next one
RIM will be fun to watch in 2013.

The new CEO who hasn't even been on the job for a year yet, has clearly done much in moving this company in the right direction.

Developer interest had doubled recently, reports say that 70% of the 80 million subscribers plan to upgrade, US agencies some vocal and others not as vocal that were planning on ditching RIM are now taking a closer look at RIM again.

Fearless prediction..... RIM will give Windows phone a run for the money.
I just bought about 2 weeks ago when it was around the 11.50 mark . Bought around 500$ worth plus the 30$ fee. I am with BMO Investerline
I'm still not touching it. Too much risk of a crash and burn. I'll speculate on things that have a greater probability, in my view.
I bought a crap load when the stock was $8.75. Everyone thought I was an idiot, but anyone who follows blackberry knows how much they have up their sleeves. I use CIBC Investors Edge to self invest. It takes a week or so to set up the account so you may want open one as soon as possible. My friend wanted to buy some but his bank didn't give him the time of day and he still didn't get it set up. You may have to make an appt with you bank.
Stocks hovering around 13.5 about now. The momentum for bb is picking up traction. I'd like to purchase 150 shares. Not a lot, but it's my first time purchasing shares. I follow the rim market frequently, the margins are looking good. How can I go about purchasing 150 shares? I'm looking to invest 2-2.5k. I wish I had the funds when it was running at $6.

Lol after saying you were like $2000 in debt and collection agencies were after you, how can you even think of investing in the stock market for another $2000-$2500?
People are suggesting to invest in RIM cause the chance of profits outweighs the chance of loss in money. This doesn't mean you force yourself into more debt... To take a chance with stocks. Its like going to the casino when you're in debt trying to make your money back... It just doesn't happen, if it does then you're one lucky bastard.
I just bought about 2 weeks ago when it was around the 11.50 mark . Bought around 500$ worth plus the 30$ fee. I am with BMO Investerline

500 or 5000, cause that $30 fee just ate up a large part of your profit if it was $500
I digress, don't invest in RIM stock.....

every year the pundits have been repeatedly declaring RIM as "bankrupt"......... since 2008.

Considering that RIM doesn't pay dividends, it isn't a stock that you would hold on to long term as a source of income. however, in the short term its great! Blackberry is far from bankrupt. Even all the anaylsts say that based on their cash on hand the stock should be worth around $15 per share.

But their sales have been decreasing so they figure that it will eat into the cash on hold. Their sales are decreasing because people have been waiting for the new blackberrys for the last year and a half. They haven't launched a new phone in 18 months, of course their sales will be down.
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Common sense lecture first, buying stocks (specially for the first time) in your situation as you have outlined in another thread is a really bad idea. It is almost like buying on margin with no idea what you are doing. Sorry to be blunt but this is an even worse idea to straighten out your finances than your poker one. Straighten out the finances and only gamble (this includes stocks) money you can afford to lose.

Now that I am passed that, for anyone else.... I would not touch Rim until after the next earnings call. I cannot imagine that they will have good earnings so I think there is a pretty good chance of a small correction then. After that there may be a good uptick on BB10 once it is released. Long term is anyone's guess and I will not try to make a prediction (could be flat, could be bought, could go under, could have a renaissance, I give them all an equal likelihood). It is a pretty high risk speculative bet at best.
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