1000 cc Supersport Insurance


Well-known member
Anyone between the age of 21 and 24 able to get a reasonable insurance quote on a relatively new 1000 cc Supersport? I am thinking statefarm is the only option? I am not 21 for another 8 months so I'm not really bothering to call any insurance agents quite yet. And No, this is not my first or second bike.



So I decided to call around today because I was really curious. I got a quote through facility and statefarm based on me being:

21 years old
M2 (4 years)
No tickets in past 3 years
No accidents
Living in Toronto

For a 2005 Yamaha R1:

Statefarm: He gave me a rough estimate of $4900/year... I was expecting it to be high but not that high. dricked just stated above that he paid $1500 through state farm at age 25 for a 2004 zx10r. I know hes in the 25+ category but does it make THAT much of a difference? $1500 to $4900?????

John R Duffy (Facility) : $3878/year... expensive but not horrifying IMO

I also asked the statefarm agent how much for a 2005 R6, he said $3200-$3300. I was expecting more like $2500.

Do you guys think these quotes are accurate? Are all 21 year olds with 600 cc's with statefarm paying over $3000/year?
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I am married, almost 40, have all my cages and home with State Farm, and paid almost $1300/yr for full coverage on my 05 GSXR1000 at State farm, a few yrs ago. I was 35 at the time......clean record. I think that's ridiculous, but it is what it is.

At Indy I met a 23 yr old guy from Harrisburg Pennsylvania who was bitching becasue State Farm raised his rates, on his 08 GSXR1000 to $335/yr,LOL

When looking for insurance for full on supersports, State Farm is the best price, but for any other kind of bike, they are pricey. My KTM was quoted at $1100/yr from State Farm, and I got insured by Primmum/TD for $878 full coverage.....due to drop next June by another $100 when a ticket I got a yr and a half ago comes off.
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Anyone between the age of 21 and 24 able to get a reasonable insurance quote on a relatively new 1000 cc Supersport? I am thinking statefarm is the only option? I am not 21 for another 8 months so I'm not really bothering to call any insurance agents quite yet. And No, this is not my first or second bike.

lol "reasonable" is very subjective here.

But im 29, clean record and pay $156 a month for my 1000rr
Lol at $335/yr, I'd have 5 bikes insured if we got rates like that. Yea "reasonable" is very subjective, reasonable to me would be about $3500/year. Actually I wouldn't really call it reasonable its more like the most I am willing to pay haha. If your paying $156 at age 29, I'm thinking your only one age bracket up from what I'm looking at. 21-24 then 25-29? Are you with statefarm?

Anyone aged 21-24 have a 1000 cc SS insured living around the GTA area? You can PM me if you dont want to publicly post about it
49 yrs old, clean record, $1540/ yr for a 05 ZX10 with state farm... makes me wanna drop down to a 600.
Anybody wanna buy a babied ZX10?
25+ is the last age bracket with state farm.
I have been riding 29 yrs, and the last 22 on the street, insured, with pretty good driving record. Just a few tickets in 22 yrs.
When my wife got her Ninja 250, she called my State Farm agent. She had a new M1, and a full G, and a bus driver's licence.
She got the exact same rate as I would on her Ninja, even though I have 22 yrs insured road riding experience. State Farm does not reduce rates for yrs of experience. In State Farm's books, she had a clean record, a full G, and 5 yrs experience as a motorist, and was over 25. That put her in their "best price" bracket. She started riding, full coverage, with zero experience, at $430/ yr.
Damn $430 a year with no experience is pretty good!!!

Still wondering if anyone aged 21-24 has a 1000cc SS insured...!!!?!?

I might have to try calling statefarm and see if they'll give me a hypothetical quote
39, 1 ticket 2007 gsxr 1000, licensed since 16, 1585 with state farm!

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk
Damn $430 a year with no experience is pretty good!!!

Still wondering if anyone aged 21-24 has a 1000cc SS insured...!!!?!?

I might have to try calling statefarm and see if they'll give me a hypothetical quote

Only thing with the 21 is I believe you need your "G" for 5 or 6 years to qualify for somewhat decent rates with SF, Which would mean you need to be about 22-23 to have had your "G" that long.
49 yrs old, clean record, $1540/ yr for a 05 ZX10 with state farm... makes me wanna drop down to a 600.
Anybody wanna buy a babied ZX10?

You should sucker punch your insurance agent and get another one. My SF agent quoted me $1480/yr for a **brand new** Aprilia RSV4R.

I'm younger than 49, clean record, handsome as fuc... Oohhh I get it.

Seriously, the quote is real.
Still wondering if anyone aged 21-24 has a 1000cc SS insured...!!!?!?

Nope sorry but rule of thumb in Ontario is that if you see a litre bike on the road, under that helmet the rider is probably balding and having a midlife crisis.

They're the only ones able to afford the insurance.
Nope sorry but rule of thumb in Ontario is that if you see a litre bike on the road, under that helmet the rider is probably balding and having a midlife crisis.

They're the only ones able to afford the insurance.

hahahahahahah funny cause its true :)
When i was 21... Which was 3 yrs ago, I got quoted high 200's per month...and thats if i have a car with them. 300's if I didnt.

My 600 on the other hand cost $150/month at the time.... Now its about $120/month.
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While i do not have a 1000 SS. You said reasonable is about 3500/year. Well i`m 21 and paying bout 4000$/year with a 600 SS so chances are you will not be getting anywhere near that. Not until you hit 25.
Nope sorry but rule of thumb in Ontario is that if you see a litre bike on the road, under that helmet the rider is probably balding and having a midlife crisis.

They're the only ones able to afford the insurance.

I was 25 with an 04 zx10 paying $1500 a year with all my hair. Same price at 28.
So I decided to call around today because I was really curious. I got a quote through facility and statefarm based on me being:

21 years old
M2 (4 years)
No tickets in past 3 years
No accidents
Living in Toronto

For a 2005 Yamaha R1:

Statefarm: He gave me a rough estimate of $4900/year... I was expecting it to be high but not that high. dricked just stated above that he paid $1500 through state farm at age 25 for a 2004 zx10r. I know hes in the 25+ category but does it make THAT much of a difference? $1500 to $4900?????

John R Duffy (Facility) : $3878/year... expensive but not horrifying IMO

I also asked the statefarm agent how much for a 2005 R6, he said $3200-$3300. I was expecting more like $2500.

Do you guys think these quotes are accurate? Are all 21 year olds with 600 cc's with statefarm paying over $3000/year?
I pay $1,120/yr for an '09 1000rr.
27 years old, clean record. That's with a couple cars, my house, and life insurance with them also.
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