Cop crashes bike into 4 year old girl then shoots and kills her father

Bones will break but rattle that brain a little in the skull and watch how fast nighty night comes knocking and i said the helmet stop you from going unconscious the beating well i think was well deserved
Maybe the beating would not have happened had the father thought the person could have been carrying a firearm.

Don't bet on that ....rage can do some real screwed up crap to your mentality,and if any of the partys were truly using their heads this might have been avoided but hey then this thread would have never been started and i would'nt be chatting with the fine people on GTAM
Depends on the firearm. Restricted fire arms this is correct you are not even allowed to stop for gas. However a long rifle you can take it anyplace you want within reasons . IE you cant walk around a park with it.

Please get your facts straight. You can stop for gas, and not all long rifles can go any place you want within reason. There are long rifles that are classified as restricted just like handguns.
Please get your facts straight. You can stop for gas, and not all long rifles can go any place you want within reason. There are long rifles that are classified as restricted just like handguns.
I stopped reading after the first line, you really don't have a god damn clue. It was not necessary to beat the rider after the fact, the danger to the girl was already over. The assault on the other hand had no end in sight. Simple right? Who am I kidding, you probably think that stomping the rider would some how magically heal the girls wounds.

Who says the danger was over? Who says this tool of an idiot of a reckless incompetent isnt doing further damage by handling or moving the girl? Who says this can readily be identified by the father? Who says, given the circumstances, a father will have the emotional sensibility to not punch the rider? You have to be kidding me! I have seen it happen first hand, and I have seen a father lay a beating on a friend of mine, and it is NOOOOOOOOO LIFE THREATENING SITUATION!!!!

Now I have to rely on this nut job of a cop who started the whole mess to sort it out with his gun? No thanks! There is not a single shred of evidence the father would have killed the rider, not a shred, just a cop trying to cover his ****! There is loads of evidence of bodily harm and dead caused by 1 man to 3 parties...the child, the rider himself, and the father!

The rider should have been screaming sorry and begging for forgiveness, not yelling he is a cop so he can have an excuse to kill the father later. Why even bother stating he is a cop? To deter the beating! To pull rank! Him being a cop has no bearing on what was going on, except to shame him further for his insane reckless driving.

What does him being a cop having anything to do with the beating the father gave him? Just like an on-duty copy he unloaded into the father at the first sign of aggression toward him and tries to claim he thought he might pass out.

How many road side beatings have you heard about that have led to death? How many cop shootings HAVE LED TO DEATH? Beatings dont equal death! Shooting does!

Seriously, you guys act like you have never been in a fist fight! How many school fights ended in death? Is it normal to fear death when you're losing a fist fight? You all exagerate. And guess what, in the end, if the cop would have been less of a shame than the FATHER DYING!!!! Who now will raise and pay for this kid? Will the cop surrender a portion of his salary for the next 14 years to help fund the girl's growth?

The idiot cop should have taken his lumps like a man! Concussion, broken nose, whatever. I highly doubt this beating was as bad as you all think it was. On top of that when you pull a gun IT WILL BE AS BAD AS YOU THINK IT IS! ITS A GUN, DESIGNED TO KILL HUMAN BEINGS, THAT'S ITS PURPOSE! WHEN YOU USE IT, YOUR INTENTION IS TO KILL! A FIST IS NOT A GUN NOR A LETHAL WEAPON!
Don't bet on that ....rage can do some real screwed up crap to your mentality,and if any of the partys were truly using their heads this might have been avoided but hey then this thread would have never been started and i would'nt be chatting with the fine people on GTAM

I don't disagree with that, but there are a lot of people with rage problems who seem to be able to control it when they want. A long time a go I worked at a bar as a doorman. I have seen some crazy stuff take place. Lot's of tough guys, jacked up who said they could not control their rage. Funny thing is most were able to control it long enough to find someone smaller than they were to pick their fights with.

To me, it sounds like this father new he screwed up by not paying attention to his daughter and decided to compensate for it by blaming and attacking the cop. I have 2 kids and if they were hurt in an accident my fisrt response would be to ensure they are ok. Nothing else would matter at that point in time.
Who says the danger was over? Who says this tool of an idiot of a reckless incompetent isnt doing further damage by handling or moving the girl? Who says this can readily be identified by the father? Who says, given the circumstances, a father will have the emotional sensibility to not punch the rider? You have to be kidding me! I have seen it happen first hand, and I have seen a father lay a beating on a friend of mine, and it is NOOOOOOOOO LIFE THREATENING SITUATION!!!!

Now I have to rely on this nut job of a cop who started the whole mess to sort it out with his gun? No thanks! There is not a single shred of evidence the father would have killed the rider, not a shred, just a cop trying to cover his ****! There is loads of evidence of bodily harm and dead caused by 1 man to 3 parties...the child, the rider himself, and the father!

The rider should have been screaming sorry and begging for forgiveness, not yelling he is a cop so he can have an excuse to kill the father later. Why even bother stating he is a cop? To deter the beating! To pull rank! Him being a cop has no bearing on what was going on, except to shame him further for his insane reckless driving.

What does him being a cop having anything to do with the beating the father gave him? Just like an on-duty copy he unloaded into the father at the first sign of aggression toward him and tries to claim he thought he might pass out.

How many road side beatings have you heard about that have led to death? How many cop shootings HAVE LED TO DEATH? Beatings dont equal death! Shooting does!

Seriously, you guys act like you have never been in a fist fight! How many school fights ended in death? Is it normal to fear death when you're losing a fist fight? You all exagerate. And guess what, in the end, if the cop would have been less of a shame than the FATHER DYING!!!! Who now will raise and pay for this kid? Will the cop surrender a portion of his salary for the next 14 years to help fund the girl's growth?

The idiot cop should have taken his lumps like a man! Concussion, broken nose, whatever. I highly doubt this beating was as bad as you all think it was. On top of that when you pull a gun IT WILL BE AS BAD AS YOU THINK IT IS! ITS A GUN, DESIGNED TO KILL HUMAN BEINGS, THAT'S ITS PURPOSE! WHEN YOU USE IT, YOUR INTENTION IS TO KILL! A FIST IS NOT A GUN NOR A LETHAL WEAPON!

How do you know the cop would not have died from the beating if it continued? There have been deaths and or permanent injuries from a single punch to people. Should someone just take the punches in hopes they will not get hurt? You keep claiming he was reckless. Where in the story does it say he was driving in a reckless manner? Your bias towards law enforcement is evident.
I don't disagree with that, but there are a lot of people with rage problems who seem to be able to control it when they want. A long time a go I worked at a bar as a doorman. I have seen some crazy stuff take place. Lot's of tough guys, jacked up who said they could not control their rage. Funny thing is most were able to control it long enough to find someone smaller than they were to pick their fights with.

To me, it sounds like this father new he screwed up by not paying attention to his daughter and decided to compensate for it by blaming and attacking the cop. I have 2 kids and if they were hurt in an accident my fisrt response would be to ensure they are ok. Nothing else would matter at that point in time.

Your absolutly correct cause i bet that rage you saw at the bar corrects it self real quick when police siren start to show up. Remember rage brings on beating Smart men bring guns to finish the job and most cowards oh yeah and military wont fall under these circumstances either. Cause they got balls of steal :) (no sarcasm either)

You don't know what that father saw when somebody even larger gets hit by a moving veichle you can 90% percent tell if that person is dead on impact or will be dying within the next 5mins due to internal injuries being a smaller child almost would almost certain be death remember that bike a minimum 600lbs i bet it was at least probably 800 moving at even the speed limit it not hard to kill.
one punch kills to the torso area only happens in moving bro. our hearts are well protected and if it was possible to kill with a single punch boxing and westling and mma would never happen.

permanent injuries i can see but death that's a really far stretch man c'mon get real not to mention the off duty cop probably had some sort of riding gear protection if he had the ability to crash and still get over to the little girl.
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So the rider is supposed to sit there and take the beating cause he "deserved" it. Got it now. How silly of me to think otherwise. My head hurts reading these posts. I don't understand how you can justify assaulting someone, but not the person defending themselves.

Can you guys please stop acting like the girl died, or was in anymore danger from now on. Your claims that the father didn't know if she would be alright does not justify assaulting someone. Furthermore, for the love of ****ing god stop acting like you KNOW what would have happened to the rider should he not have defended himself. You don't ****ing know and speculating that he would be fine while in the same ****ing sentence claiming the girl would die is beyond stupid.

I'm very interested to hear what the cousin has to say about all of this. That would certainly clear up a few questions we have as to what exactly happened.

One more thing, why the hell would the rider have to sit out a beating that could Very easily **** him for life. At the very least he could have been injured so badly that he could not wOrk for a good amount of time.

It's pathetic that you all are trying to justify vigilante justice, but are up in arms about someone protecting themself.
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Please get your facts straight. You can stop for gas, and not all long rifles can go any place you want within reason. There are long rifles that are classified as restricted just like handguns.

Yea i know there are restricted long rifles wasn't my intention to say all long rifles are none restricted. Yes you are right you can stop for Gas however you do have have notify the RCMP of the transport and reason for transport and have all the appropriate saftey devices and containers. As well as following the guide lines for leaving the weapon in an unattended Vehicle. Massive PITA probably what will stop me from going past my PAL
one punch kills to the torso area only happens in moving bro. our hearts are well protected and if it was possible to kill with a single punch boxing and westling and mma would never happen.

permanent injuries i can see but death that's a really far stretch man c'mon get real not to mention the off duty cop probably had some sort of riding gear protection if he had the ability to crash and still get over to the little girl.

Heart arrhythmia can be caused by blunt force trauma to the chest. Its rare but does happen (Has happened in boxing, Martial arts). But i think having two adult males beating you while your already injured is sufficent reason to make you fear for your life.
Please get your facts straight. You can stop for gas, and not all long rifles can go any place you want within reason. There are long rifles that are classified as restricted just like handguns.

Just a quick additional note the statement on being able to take them anware you want was in relation to the RCMP's website on the transport of that class of weapon that simply states "Non-restricted firearms must be unloaded during transportation". Im sure there is restrictions were this is considered appropriate but it struck me as quite open ended but im not sure how they define transport.

Devils in the details.
That guy(cop) deserved a beating weather or not he was defending himself or not but i bet that the father would have laid a harder beating for what happened to his daughter and yes i can say the father went right at the cop and did not stop to see his child down so he was definatly going for a attempt to injure the cop.
The father had intent

Just since he was a cop his first resort is to pull out the gun and fire away when he figured his life was in danger anytime your in a fight your life is in danger especially when your getting your *** kicked you panic. well a nicely timed center mass shot stopped that threat did'nt it.

I would not doubt for one minute in my mind that father would have killed that guy question would be would have he gone that far which would have been 2nd degree murder maybe even manslaughter with a good lawyer.

But one bullet quickly done its job.
I stopped reading after the first line, you really don't have a god damn clue. It was not necessary to beat the rider after the fact, the danger to the girl was already over. The assault on the other hand had no end in sight. Simple right? Who am I kidding, you probably think that stomping the rider would some how magically heal the girls wounds.

Someone gets it. Thanks for showing me not everyone is an idiot.

You are a beating going to keep you down and unless it some serious internal bleeding your not going to pass out. Crap load of pain but no death

You are seriously ill informed if you think getting beaten doesn't have a high risk of death. Besides which, even if I'm not going to die, I'm not about to let someone break my bones and cause serious internal injuries, hell, I'm not prepared to let them just beat me black and blue from head to foot. I certainly don't blame the rider for acting exactly as I would have when attacked.

I want to be there the next time some of you people make an error in riding and crash so I can watch you get your deserved beating. Some of you people are frighteningly poor examples of humanity if you genuinely believe a person should be beaten for crashing their motorcycle.
Bottom line, someone wipes out my kid on the road, I'm going to make sure they are alright first. If there was anyone tending to my child that wasn't a paramedic or didn't seem to know what they were doing, I'd likely push them aside to check on my kid and make sure they were all right.

Once I know my kid is safe, my focus would shift to what happened and who caused it.

How the events unfolded is pure speculation. The artical doesn't provide any witness account of what happened. It's not what is reported that concerns me, it's what was left out. Poor journalism if you ask me.

Here is another Internet report.
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Im not soo sure it's about the legalization of guns/ concealed carry. To me the mention of another story about a child finding a handgun in a home and shooting it's father (another article with very little info) seems to mean otherwise. So to me this article seemed like an urban legend chain letter that uses shock to try and convince people to believe a particular ideology. I take it as a guns are bad argument. I don't particularly care for guns and certainly don't care to argue whether they are good or bad right now. But this kind of shady tactic of suspicious stories just to get a rise out of people is something I hate to see from either side of an argument.
However as another poster linked to another more reputable source this is more a case of poor reporting/ editorializing.
I think I'll echo what a lot of people said, the cop escalated the fight too quickly. Usually showing a weapon will stop people in their tracks. Firing a warning shot will make 90% of the world **** their pants with the other 10% being hardened Taliban soldiers who are either too high or fear no man. Don't know the details but I feel that it may have been possible for the cop to not shoot the father.
I think I'll echo what a lot of people said, the cop escalated the fight too quickly. Usually showing a weapon will stop people in their tracks. Firing a warning shot will make 90% of the world **** their pants with the other 10% being hardened Taliban soldiers who are either too high or fear no man. Don't know the details but I feel that it may have been possible for the cop to not shoot the father.

I think the cop was a pussy. Straight up.

I thought cops were trained in CQC (or is that military only?). If he had enough time to reach for his gun, why didn't he put his training to use? ****ing pussy.
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