Cop crashes bike into 4 year old girl then shoots and kills her father

I wish this was true and admittedly quite often I pretend that it is.

Oh I'm sorry did they finish the investigation? Were charges already laid and a verdict rendered? I must have missed that, and in BOTH jurisdictions really? :rolleyes:

Have you ever TRULY believed that your life was going to end in seconds, at the hands of another human being?
The cop is in the right.... I would have shot this stupid father too, keep your kids off the street, act civilicize or you will be put down like the dog you are.
My point still being though, that it wasn't the cop on the bike who set the chain of events into motion.

Maybe true, but also remember that it was not that action alone that determined the end result. If ANY of the other actions or non-actions had been different a different outcome would have resulted.

1. If the Cop knew how to do emergency braking, no one gets hit, he rides away, no one gets shot.
2. If the Father had tended to the child and not used the cop for a punching bag.

so i'll take that as a no

This thread is not about my own personal near death experiences. Please let's not detract from the tragedy of the circumstances that are the subject of this thread. If you must know.... I do carry a plastic butter knife on my person now, whenever I can - as far as I know this isn't illegal in most situations.
I do carry a plastic butter knife on my person now, whenever I can - as far as I know this isn't illegal in most situations.

This is true. But as soon as you try (foolishly) to commit a criminal act with it (assault, robbery, etc) then it is.
This is true. But as soon as you try (foolishly) to commit a criminal act with it (assault, robbery, etc) then it is.

ummm if it's used to commit a criminal act that doesn't make carrying the butter knife itself illegal all of a sudden. If i use a flower vase to rob a bank by threatening that i will smash the vase over the teller's head if they don't give me the money - it isn't all of a sudden the case that carrying a vase is now illegal.

You are such a silly superPhreak.

Also when threatened I usually proceed to remove said knife along with a bun and butter and begin to use it for its intended purpose until the threat becomes more imminent - then it's self defence.

Other item's that also work well:

A pen ... take pen out and begin to take notes...
A nail file .... oops I broke a nail... what were u saying?
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We don't know what caused the accident, but he stopped and tried to HELP the children. He wasn't running away. If he was at fault for the accident we have courts for that.

The father lost control and started beating on the guy. His cousin came in and helped as well. If there is ever a case for self defence this is one. You're outnumbered by 2 people, on the ground getting your *** kicked and you're about to pass out.

Its a tragic situation but you have to seperate the emotion from the facts, this im afraid a lot of people cannot do. And why i'd never want to be judged by my "peers"

1) We need to determine what caused the accident. If it is determined that the cop was speeding, acted recklessly, endanged the public, this would inform the FATHER's legitimacy to react. The FATHER may have believed his daughter's life to be in danger. Barring that, some consideration should be given to the FATHER's state of mind. Sure he may have flipped out, but his emoitional state given the circumstances must be established. If it was some unreasonable bath-salts-like freak out, then perhaps the cop had legitimate reason to fear for his life for a mere smack down. Overblowing a thumping into a potential killing is absurd. By that stretch, anyone, for whatever reason in a first fight who starts to lose has grounds to pull a gun and open fire on the other. That's truly absurd to believe cop who says he was about to pass what diabetics get to unload a clip too! If anything, more often then not, beatings end when someone passes out, or when the victim takes their lumps and submits! A beating is not enough to fear death! The COP has now to defend why this particular beating led him to REASONABLY believe he feared for his life...not that "stampede" logic of the Yanks!
2) When the cop pulled the gun, with his "centre of mass" training, he made a desicion to kill at that point. He must prove this was not excessive. In self defense of a punch up the "go to" response is not deciding to kill! If he had decides to use a bat to gain an advantage and the result was death, that is different...he had no intention to kill, just defend and or dominate...but the result, in order to do so was death. That is unintentional manslaughter, or perhaps legitimate self defense. When the cops tazed the Pole in BC, they didn't intend to kill him, but it happened as a result. Noone thought killing him was the only answer to subduing him or nuetralising the threat. But this COP in this case went straight to killing, intentionally as some of you point out due to his training. It is very much like a trained martial artist in a fight, if they use their training, which potentially kills, then they face more severe charges, weapons charges, for they have a responsibility to act MORE prudently than Joe Blow public.
3) The result of this case is an injured kid, a dead father, and a cop with a dislocated shoulder and broken ankle which was self inflicted. Some of you sound like psychos when you spout off that you would do the same as the cop...fact is, most of you would act like the FATHER! If you some tool slide their bike into your kid, how in the hell would you keep it together? Sure the kid broke away from supersivision, this HAPPENS! That's why at school zones it is factored into LAW! KIDS break away aaaaaaaaaall the time. We are constantly told in road safety training to be ware of balls and kids darting out in residential areas! This is what kids do!
4) I am shocked at the lack of information on the cops driving and conditions. To me this seems like a cover up. If this were an average biker story in the press, they would already be blaming the rider for reckless driving or saying "speed was a factor". There is 100% no reason the cop should have "laid the bike down". And presenting it this way is an attemp to make a hero out of this tool.
5) Let me put another scenario forward...
a biker (Joe Public) is driving above the speed limit, above the ability to respond to the road conditions at 10pm on a summer night along lakeshore. A child runs onto the road. The rider (given all the lanes of traffic) loses control of the vehicle and strikes the child. The biker then hobbles over to the child (having inflicted injuries upon himself). The father comes over after witnessing the reckless endangerment of his child, and after seeing the biker attempt to possible move his child (which could add further injury, could aggrivate any injury caused to the child, could paralize the child) proceeds to beat the biker. Another person at the scene joins in to beat the biker, the extent of which is not determined, whether it be light, mild, or extremely severe, none of which is known. Biker is also in safety gear, and a full grown man, with minor injuries to perifieral body parts. Biker has also displayed a level of fitness and acuity in being clearly able to walk over to the child previously. Said biker, then draws a lethal weapon (who it turns out is trained to use said weapon) and fires centre of mass into the FATHER, killing the father instantly. Now.....defend that scenario.
5) Let me put another scenario forward...
a biker (Joe Public) is driving above the speed limit, above the ability to respond to the road conditions at 10pm on a summer night along lakeshore. A child runs onto the road. The rider (given all the lanes of traffic) loses control of the vehicle and strikes the child. The biker then hobbles over to the child (having inflicted injuries upon himself). The father comes over after witnessing the reckless endangerment of his child, and after seeing the biker attempt to possible move his child (which could add further injury, could aggrivate any injury caused to the child, could paralize the child) proceeds to beat the biker. Another person at the scene joins in to beat the biker, the extent of which is not determined, whether it be light, mild, or extremely severe, none of which is known. Biker is also in safety gear, and a full grown man, with minor injuries to perifieral body parts. Biker has also displayed a level of fitness and acuity in being clearly able to walk over to the child previously. Said biker, then draws a lethal weapon (who it turns out is trained to use said weapon) and fires centre of mass into the FATHER, killing the father instantly. Now.....defend that scenario.

Now, your story doesn't involve the same kind of injuries...
Cop had a dislocated shoulder and busted ankle.

You ever dislocate your shoulder? Pain is pretty intense, and it's very obvious, as the shoulder will drop several inches.
Broken ankle, cop can't stand very well, much less move about in defence.

So, guy gets beat on. What if they were intentionally targeting the dislocated shoulder and broken ankle in their assault?
Cop would have been pretty much blind with pain and quite easily could fear for his life.

Now, for your situation...
Biker hits child, father rushes over, fearing biker will move child.
Should simply yell at the top of their lungs "STOP! DON'T TOUCH OR MOVE MY KID!!!!"
Biker probably would have stopped. He was more than likely in some level of shock and would have taken direction.
Most parents I know would first check on their child before proceeding to beat down.
A second person joins in the beats. Biker has full rights to defend himself.
Your story also has a major flaw - earlier, mentioned "biker hobbles over" and changes to "clearly able to walk".

Yes, biker is wrong for hitting child and driving recklessly.
Vehicular manslaughter charges should be applied. Not potential death by being beaten.
what bugs me about the incident, and i've seen this before...the parent sees their child get hurt and they lose focus of the situation and go after the cause of it, and pay no more attention to their kid...this guy should be lucky his daughter is alive after realizing that she just ran out into the street in the middle of traffic...for whatever reason the cop dumped his bike, at least he was attempting to avoid hitting her, at least he was succesful...parenting fail that resulted in a high score on the darwin score board...
every body is siding with the officer....i dunno... but what if you were the rider????

would I see a 100 of you say " I'm glad the guy on the SS got beat up! now he knows what he did to a little child!"

**Just a hypothetical bias or anything...
Did this actually happen? I am pretty up on the news and this story seems to have alot too it that it couldn't have simply flown under the radar. Also the lack of a link to an actual news article on that website seems odd, it doesn't even mention where it happened. This seems to me like an article fabricated by someone to make conversation and perhaps push some sort of agenda.
Yup it's an agenda that is quite prevalent on this forum - that carrying guns should be legalized.
Did this actually happen? I am pretty up on the news and this story seems to have alot too it that it couldn't have simply flown under the radar. Also the lack of a link to an actual news article on that website seems odd, it doesn't even mention where it happened. This seems to me like an article fabricated by someone to make conversation and perhaps push some sort of agenda.

Chicago Sun Times
ummm if it's used to commit a criminal act that doesn't make carrying the butter knife itself illegal all of a sudden. If i use a flower vase to rob a bank by threatening that i will smash the vase over the teller's head if they don't give me the money - it isn't all of a sudden the case that carrying a vase is now illegal.

No you don’t understand. You can legally carry a hammer (ax,screw driver almost anything) around with you. Its a tool. But it you threaten or intimidate someone with it or Assault someone it becomes a weapons related charge. A weapon is not just defined to just a Combat Knife or gun. Its situational. Carrying the vase does not become illegal. But using it as a weapon is. Or even carrying it for that intent is a crime. IE carrying that vase just incase someone attacks you is also a crime but i mean that would be impossible to prove.
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