Cop crashes bike into 4 year old girl then shoots and kills her father

We don't really know if the cop would have died or not. What if he survived the beating? Everyone would be alive and dad would have been charged for assaulting a police officer. Everyone lives. Sounds like a better ending to me.

If you were the one on the ground getting pummeled by two guys in a fit of rage would you rather have a gun so you can protect yourself? Or would you rather just take the beating and hope that "maybe" they will tire themselves out and stop before they kill you because you dont' want to hurt anyone?

What if he used a knife and the outcome was the same (just bring up this scenario in the "unlikely" event that you have a bias against guns) ?
We don't really know if the cop would have died or not. What if he survived the beating? Everyone would be alive and dad would have been charged for assaulting a police officer. Everyone lives. Sounds like a better ending to me.

I highlighted the appropriate point. The cop had no idea on his attentions. Its not like the guy was shouting "I will beat you until you go unconsiouse and then stop" I agree with you but the cops actions are defensible.
We don't really know if the cop would have died or not. What if he survived the beating? Everyone would be alive and dad would have been charged for assaulting a police officer. Everyone lives. Sounds like a better ending to me.

Put yourself in that situation. Are you really going to be thinking as 2 guys are beating you up "hey maybe I wont die, I should just lay here and take it just incase I dont die..."

I think not, you are going to defend yourself to the best that you can. In this case, it was with a gun.
This was the story of two men in a lethal confrontation. One avenging the accidental death of his child, one having to defend his life. That one was a cop is secondary.

What the cop did right was to not pull the gun immediately as a way to control the situation, since the father would have just committed suicide-by-cop. Anyway, threats are for bullies and other cowards. The cop did the very sad but right thing, which was to kill his attacker instead of being killed.

This isn't really controversial, it's just sad.
Was at the Foggy Dew once when one of the cooks opened the door to head to the bathrooms and it inadvertently struck a little girl who was on her way back to the restaurant with her dad. Girl starts to cry, dad went apes**t on the guy, yelling at him, getting right in his face calling him everything from a 'stupid idiot', to clenching his hands into a fist, everyone thought he was going to coldcok him right there. The cook was apologetic and it was an honest mistake. Had it been me (or anyone else there that was a patron and not an employee) entering the hall to go the bathrooms and that happened, I probably would have returned fire calling him a stupid idiot to let his toddler child run unattended towards a busy door that swings into her direction, the guy was a complete d**che. I get the whole protective dad thing, but the level of rage is worse than what you see on roads, can't blame the cop for taking the measure he did.
If you were the one on the ground getting pummeled by two guys in a fit of rage would you rather have a gun so you can protect yourself? Or would you rather just take the beating and hope that "maybe" they will tire themselves out and stop before they kill you because you dont' want to hurt anyone?

What if he used a knife and the outcome was the same (just bring up this scenario in the "unlikely" event that you have a bias against guns) ?

Yes. I have a bias against people being able to carry concealed guns on their person in public.

Glad the cop didn't die, still tragic that the dad did, was he at fault for failing to supervise his child? Yes. Was he justified in pummeling the cop after the accident? Absolutely not.

You can make up all the hypothetical scenarios you want about what if he had a knife, what if he had a spoon, or a fork? No one knows what the outcome would have been in any of those scenarios.

Maybe someone was running towards them from the restaurant on their way to stop the dad when the gun went off ? We just don't know.
so dad comes out of restaurant, sees the situation and proceeds to beat on cop? As a dad, the first thing I would do would be to check if my child was okay first. Maybe I missed it or they failed to mention that in the article......
That one was a cop is secondary.

I do agree with this. However, would he have been less likely to have been carrying a gun on his person if he wasn't a cop? Not sure.

Also was his life more valuable then the fathers just because he's a cop and the father was neglectful in that situation of his child's whereabouts and then reacted inappropriately when the child got injured? No.

I do think given the situation an argument could be made that the cop acted appropriately in self defence and that the degree of force he used was justifiable in the circumstances.
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This was completely preventable.

Completely agree, Way to many things happened, and any one of which could have prevented this.

3. If he had enought time to "Lay it down" he had enough time to apply the brakes and or swerve. If he did not feel he could do either of those things than I contend that he needed some training, or better training on how to actually ride a bike and do those things.
From the article I think it said the cop was applying first aid to the child when the father attacked. So the father and cousin beat on the one person who might be able to do something to help the girl as I willing to bet neither the father or cousin knew first aid.
I do agree with this. However, would he have been less likely to have been carrying a gun on his person if he wasn't a cop? Not sure.

Also was his life more valuable then the fathers just because he's a cop and the father was neglectful in that situation of his child's whereabouts and then reacted inappropriately when the child got injured? No.

Yes my life is more important than that of someone trying to potentially beat me to death.
Yes my life is more important than that of someone trying to potentially beat me to death.

This TBH. Each human is only worth anout $2:00 in its basic material components anyway. No lifes is actualy more valuable. Its a situational thing.
I do agree with this. However, would he have been less likely to have been carrying a gun on his person if he wasn't a cop? Not sure.

I think so. I dont' have any stats on me but I would think someone who's already trained with a gun at work and regularly carries a gun on the job is more likely to get a conceal and carry license.

Also was his life more valuable then the fathers just because he's a cop and the father was neglectful in that situation of his child's whereabouts and then reacted inappropriately when the child got injured? No.
Who cares who's life is worth more? If Albert Einstein and Isac Newton attacked a homeless bum for no reason and the homeless bum with no job and an IQ of 80 pulled out a knife and stabbed and killed Einstein in self defense the bum would still be in the right even though his life is less valuable to society.

It's like the "she was a mother/he was a father" argument. I always LOL when they seem to mention this every time someone dies. As if I'm supposed to feel more sorry for a person's loss because they have children. If a single guy or girl dies is their death any less tragic? Hell no. Every death is tragic IMHO.
From the article I think it said the cop was applying first aid to the child when the father attacked. So the father and cousin beat on the one person who might be able to do something to help the girl as I willing to bet neither the father or cousin knew first aid.
Prolly went like
*cop trying to save the little girl
*dad comes out
*cousin screams "HE KILLED HERRRRRRR"
*dad puts his gorilla face on and starts beating the cop
*cop goes 'stop this im a cop, i dont wanna hurt you'
*dad gets madder and cousin joins in
*cop starts losing consciousness so he shoots to get them away but shoots the dad
The father could have lived if he used his head first before swinging his fists. Mind over matter helps.
I think it all comes down to the fact that no one was watching the girl. Why is a 4 year old in the middle of the street at 10pm unattended? While tragic, it is entirely conceivable that someone could crash into her by accident (car or bike). Sounds like the cop was trying to help the girl after and the father overreacted. If I had a gun on me while being pummeled to death by two adult men right after I had a motorcycle crash I'd shoot too.

EDIT: ^ My thoughts one was watching girl. It was unfortunate.

ya i totally agree with you on this one. The dad doesnt deserve to die of course, but when you put yourself into situations like this by beating up an injured cop after he identified himself, you'd better prepare for the worst outcome whatever it might be. in this case, too bad it was death.
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