A warning about beer and riding an SS: I learned a hard lesson :(

Now that's Alcohol Abuse!

Tsk tsk

Always drink the six pack first. then ride.. duh!!!
It's elementary.

The six bottles of Moosehead communicated with each other, realized that there were too many of them given the allocated time of your poker game, and so two willingly sacrificed themselves to keep you under the legal limit.

Those two bottles are Heroes, honour them as such...
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Canned Beer. Stays colder and doesn't break. Fits better in tank bags.

and tastes like crap.. I'll take the 4 remaining bottles over 6 cans any day. We aren't in highschool anymore boys.. beer should be quality over quantity.
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and tastes like crap.. I'll take the 4 remaining bottles over 6 cans any day. We aren't in highschool anymore boys.. beer should be quality over quantity.

says the guy mixing Canadian 67 with Smirnoff Ice Light.........
and tastes like crap.. I'll take the 4 remaining bottles over 6 cans any day. We aren't in highschool anymore boys.. beer should be quality over quantity.

I'll take the taste of cold beer in a can over broken glass and a stinky tailbag any day. You wanna drink and ride, you gotta make sacrifices.
It was Canadian beer. They won't be missed.
says the guy mixing Canadian 67 with Smirnoff Ice Light.........

Hey.. that was the first time I tried that, but those smirnoff rockets are awesome on a hot day.
So trashy, but so good.

They knock you on your ***** though don't they? I don't know if its all the sugar getting into your blood stream, or just the fact that you down them like juice but just a few in I was wrecked.. and I am not a lightweight.
I got the impression they leaked/popped..probably pissing out MH till pressure was reduced enough.

I find that if you store them vertically it mitigates the liquid movement. Bumps create short sharp waves, but if on their side the waves get to slosh end to end, creating a lot more action. But if temps come up too much and the road is crap, some will leak anyway. Also, tankbag placement is way better than rear seat. But I think you said you backpacked them on your back and even shock absorbed them with your knees.
So...you have crap luck...don't be buying any lottery tickets anytime soon..
Sorry..that's all I got..
so you pee'd yourself from excitement huh?

oh and try guiness cans,they need to have a little bit of foam anyways so why not? +theyre tall cans
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