I Saw You: V.2.0

You: White/blue 06/07 GSX-R 600 pulling out of Williamson going south on Westney.
Me: Beige Corolla with a dealer plate.

PM me if you see this.
You: My twin, Where, all over the place in Peterborough at least once a week! (usually on Hunter street) Love the bike ;D
Me: Same bike
How could you leave a Panigale on the street
I would ride it into whatever store or restaurant I was visiting. They would understand.

OPP watching it *wink*. That's the Provincial Government complex and OPP keep a close eye on that spot, among other "measures" I employ!
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Yesterday afternoon on Wellesley heading east from University to Bay your very nice and red Panigale was parked frontwards in to the curb so I got a good view of the *** end ;)


Took me 3 years to get spotted on this forum. Hehehehe. Cheers mate!
I saw a group of 3 bikes leaving posing area at yonge n Dundas, while I was getting ready to leave .. :agave: the girl sweeping was cute!
Saw a black ninja (older, maybe zx7?) going SB on keele was turning right onto dundas st, you have no brake lights or turn signal (only a running light, unless you just decided not to use them) hope you didnt become someone's new hood ornament
Today around 7ish, dude on the silver R6 from 403 to 401...
If you have to keep pushing your helmet down, you need a new one.
Saw a pack of riders today at around 11 going 403 to 401, near Ford drive. They looked like they wer having an amazing time. One guy was in a t shirt. He must've been freezing.
To the straight-piped HD that went past my house, this morning, at 4:00am. I didn't need to see you, to know what it was. There's no need to open up your 50 HP beast, on a residential road, at that time of the morning.
This is for the meat bucket on the silver ZX6RR on the 404 south of Hwy 7 this morning around 8:45am...

If you continue to weave as recklessly as you did, with ZERO gap, across four lanes of traffic which forced nearly 10 vehicles to hammer the brakes and nearly cause a huge pile up; you'll either end up dead in said crash, or someone will follow you and "work" some sense into you. Yeah, I know your matte black, ICON helmet, brown leather boots, and jacket may look cool, but you're destined to end up a grease stain, and lets face it, you'd impede my commute into the office.

Lastly, fix your effing license plate, it's nearly follow off into your rear tire (which also needs to be changed as it's nearly squared off)...
Yesterday on McLaughin & Steeles. Saw someone in little shorts too. Down side; it was a really large dude on a cruiser.
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