Sharing lanes at a stop light, who goes first?

If I'm at the light, don't try and share a lane with me whether on a bike, on foot, on a pedal bike, in a car or on a bus.

If I am riding with you, I will share the lane with you at lights, but ride staggered

Absolutely my line of thought.
Happens regularly at a light but not stop sign

Just go first, dont think dont blink dont even stop
whoever has the most stickers go first..
:lmao:I feel bad for OP, so many answers...

If a rider comes up behind you and talks to you he or she should know better that you are to go first, if they take off ahead of you leave your distance cuz that poser is wreckless and at any point may do something stupid .. if you so happen to come to another light again don't sit beside them, wait behind them on your blocking lane.

safe riding for OP n good you ask...
Thanks for all the ideas! I compiled them into my first post for other newbies looking to ask the same question in regards to riding safe.

See you on the streets...
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I'm staying out of this one.

But you can share with me (safely), I don't mind. I'm used to it, also taking turns leading. I don't mind the comradery with a stranger on the commute.
Thanks for all the ideas! I compiled them into my first post for other newbies looking to ask the same question in regards to riding safe.
Good job, I think you summarized nicely.
If we're on a ride together, we "share" the stop and go together then continue our order as to who was leading. At least this is what I do with my spouse and a few friends I ride with.

If I don't know the person, I don't mind them sharing the stop with me. As long as when we get to the other side, they don't pass me. Then I'd be a little annoyed.
You stop at lights?
Since you wouldn't pass another rider in the same lane in an intersection (cars don't count), the one who got there first goes first. If the guy on the right is going to be blocked or boxed by a parked car or traffic, I will let him go ahead. However, there is nothing polite about declining if someone motions you past. If someone says "after you" you go, if you respond back with a counter "after you", he has the natural right to punch you.

Also, not that anyone here races in traffic, but in a pursuit race, the first racer has a small lead but has to keep track of the other rider, and the pursuer is behind by a second or less but has the initiative and can have more strategic options. So it's not always best to start first.
Whoever got there first, unless waved to go ahead by rider who was there first.
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