Sharing lanes at a stop light, who goes first?


Active member
Is there a general rule of the road on who goes first if two bikes are sharing a lane and stopped at a light? Yield to the person on the right or the blocking lane?


I compiled a list of answers from all the posts. I'll try to do each one and see what works best for me.

1. Whoever gets to the light first goes first--
- a) unless the person is:
- -i) mikbusa
- -ii) DaFrenchTickler
- -iii) Shaman
- -iv) any GSXR
- - -one) in which case its a race
- b) unless the other guy has more stickers on his bike

2. I go first (After kicking the guy beside me down to the floor and giving him a one finger salute)
3. Race from said stop light to see who gets to go first
4. Avoid the situation all together and don't even stop for the red light *best answer
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dont share lanes, keep proper stagger.
whoever is leading, obviously goes first.

whats with the completely retarded threads lately???
Carry on, nothing to see here...
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Is there a general rule of the road on who goes first if two bikes are sharing a lane and stopped at a light? Yield to the person on the right or the blocking lane?

Don't pull up alongside anyone at a stop unless you're riding as a group.
dont share lanes, keep proper stagger.
whoever is leading, obviously goes first.

whats with the completely retarded threads lately???

I was curious about etiquette. I've had unknown motorcycles come up from behind me to share a lane and chitchat at the lights. They then proceed to quick accelerate and take the lead.

First year riding so I'd rather ask what you think is a retarded question.
I was curious about etiquette. I've had unknown motorcycles come up from behind me to share a lane and chitchat at the lights. They then proceed to quick accelerate and take the lead.

First year riding so I'd rather ask what you think is a retarded question.

People who do that are idiots.
Bitches, you go SECOND. I go FIRST. You best memorize!1!!!!!1
I was curious about etiquette. I've had unknown motorcycles come up from behind me to share a lane and chitchat at the lights. They then proceed to quick accelerate and take the lead.

First year riding so I'd rather ask what you think is a retarded question.

That is actually rude behaviour. Its like a car coming up beside you and taking off at the green.
dont share lanes, keep proper stagger.
whoever is leading, obviously goes first.

whats with the completely retarded threads lately???

Calm down, lots of new riders here. Its the start of a new season. However yes your right. STAY STAGGERED! If you pull up to talk you let the person that was there first go. Please don't pull next to me at a light, there is no reason to do that.

This is my signature
If I'm at the light, don't try and share a lane with me whether on a bike, on foot, on a pedal bike, in a car or on a bus.

If I am riding with you, I will share the lane with you at lights, but ride staggered
I had a guy on a bike share my lane than pass me on the QEW a few weeks ago.
Good thing i saw him coming. Had i not and decided to switch position....ya
As you can see from some of the posts not every rider has been to friendly school. Unless invited to do otherwise, stay back a bit and if you decide to pass do it right. Right means in a different lane.
Even if the other rider gives you the go ahead you should check your legal responsibilities. There might be a perception of passing in the same lane by a nit picker.
As you can see from some of the posts not every rider has been to friendly school. Unless invited to do otherwise, stay back a bit and if you decide to pass do it right. Right means in a different lane.
Even if the other rider gives you the go ahead you should check your legal responsibilities. There might be a perception of passing in the same lane by a nit picker.

+1, dont pass in the same lane, unless i know you and i tell you to take the lead because we're offically lost =p
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