Where did you guys order your stunt/crash cages?


Well-known member
Hey dudes I'm about to order a freestyle ingenuity cage for my 07 zx6r.

Freestyleingenuity.com has em for $269.95 (us) with 50% off shipping to Canada.

Baysideperformance.ca has it for $307.97 (can) and $26.50 for shipping to Ontario from BC.

What shall I do????? I don't usually order online, I'm thinkin Bayside since it's in Canada.

Where did you guys get yours?
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what do you recommend? what do you have? where'd you get it? I seen some tiger shark ones. I'm also concerned about shipping and installing.
what do you recommend? what do you have? where'd you get it? I seen some tiger shark ones. I'm also concerned about shipping and installing.

Tyger Shark or Impaktech

Stuntersinc.ca can order in and install the Impacktech, its the cheaper of the 2
Thanks man I see your name up on that site...thats dope I will def get in contact with these guys
impaktechs pretty dope from what i hear and read...installing a cage or any stunt parts is pretty simple but if you have no idea what your doing i'd recommend what JP says and get them to install it for you
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