Police gain more ways to impound vehicles

Not wholey correct.

As a father, if you owe 1 darn dollar in unpaid support payments, your drivers license is automatically suspended. There are more criterion to it than that, court process etc, but no judge needs to rule - just a court clerk processing paperwork.

It's not the case. Never was, and likely never will be.

Your sources are incorrrect. I have first hand exposure to the process and it does not work that way.

By the time such events take place you have not shown up to hearings, or flatly defied rulings by JUDGES. Usually more than one.

Hope that was succinct enough.
In the case of the deadbeat dads (my sister continues to have to deal wiht it...and she has had a job, paid lawyers...and so on) the courts have been MORE than involved.

Guys who try to catch up, or even attend court hearings are likely not to be affected by this kind of stuff.

forget about having a car while you are being a deadbeat dad.

It's complicated, i know. But these provisions affect only the biggest douchies in the gene pool. And they exist.

well....there are countless examples of viscious and lazy scorned women taking their exes to the cleaners and turning them into dead-beat dads....so if anyone is gonna swipe property, then I'll take a court of law where the accused deadbeat has a chance to respond to allegations before the property takes a hike

Judge Judy > Officer Bubbles
well....there are countless examples of viscious and lazy scorned women taking their exes to the cleaners and turning them into dead-beat dads....so if anyone is gonna swipe property, then I'll take a court of law where the accused deadbeat has a chance to respond to allegations before the property takes a hike

Judge Judy > Officer Bubbles

Yea if only people asked each of us for our opinions (as unqualified as they might be) before making such decisions.

Like i said, there are usually SEVERAL court attendances before such things are even considered.

And the number of REAL douchie dads FAR outweigh the number of chicks who take a guy in this way.

We got "anti-male" family court practices for a reason. Years and years of abuse of common decency by guys who ran around sprinkling their seed wherever they could, and then just take off and pretend they are not responsible at all.

All you have to do is NOT be a ******, pick your mates, or keep it in your pants.

It's not that huge a roll of the dice.
You do realize that you're license can be suspended for unpaid fines like doing a rolling stop or something. My license has been suspended due to unpaid fines since I thought the courts gave me 6 months to pay but they only gave me 3. So this doesn't not only apply to deadbeats and drunks. The can tow your car for this garbage now is not cool. I thought providing a breathalyzer was voluntary? They can impound your car if you say no? This is bs!
We got "anti-male" family court practices for a reason. Years and years of abuse of common decency by guys who ran around sprinkling their seed wherever they could, and then just take off and pretend they are not responsible at all.

and we have welfare case after welfare case of 27 year old mommies with 3 different kids from 3 different fathers and she still can't close her legs

ex-hubby has to carve 50% from his income to fund the lifestyle while ex-wifey guzzles wine and screws the next poor schlep who offers a nice spread....and yet ex-hubby gets his car turfed

You do realize that you're license can be suspended for unpaid fines like doing a rolling stop or something. My license has been suspended due to unpaid fines since I thought the courts gave me 6 months to pay but they only gave me 3. So this doesn't not only apply to deadbeats and drunks. The can tow your car for this garbage now is not cool.

So you want special consideration because you failed to understand the required fine payment period? What ever happened to personal responsibility in understanding and meeting one's obligations?

I thought providing a breathalyzer was voluntary? They can impound your car if you say no? This is bs!

It has never been voluntary. Failure to provide a breath sample netted you criminal charges with pretty much the exact same penalties as failing a breath test. Now they impound your car if you blow above 08 on the breath test. Impounding it for refusing to blow is consistent with previously existing practice of equal penalties for failing the breath test and for refusing the breath test.
Welcome to the post-Cold War democracy. Freedom for us, common plebeian scum is way overrated :cool:
and we have welfare case after welfare case of 27 year old mommies with 3 different kids from 3 different fathers and she still can't close her legs

ex-hubby has to carve 50% from his income to fund the lifestyle while ex-wifey guzzles wine and screws the next poor schlep who offers a nice spread....and yet ex-hubby gets his car turfed


Mostly not the case. And i'll say it again...you have to go to MULTIPLE court dates to get to that point. With plenty of time to plead such abuse of the system.

Are you suggesting we listen to the "poor guys"?

LOL. Cummon.
Years and years of abuse of common decency by guys who ran around sprinkling their seed wherever they could, and then just take off and pretend they are not responsible at all.

Gimme an "A", gimme a "B", gimme an "O", gimme a "R".... you get the idea...

They are free in this country.

Better yet, why in the hell is a sexually active young woman NOT on the pill??

Sorry, men are mostly dogs, women have an personal obligation to protect their future from the consequence's of an unplanned pregnancy.
Losing Fatherhood
Posted 11/19/2009 9:02:00 AM
It's a growing problem in courts across the country. Federal law forces states to chase down fathers and hold them responsible for children born outside of marriage. That's when some of these men want to know is, "am I really the father?" They take a DNA test. Wait nervously. And about 30 percent of those DNA tests reveal the guy is not the father of the child. But the really bad news is that many judges find it irrelevant. Most judges rule these men must continue to pay support, no matter what their DNA says.

Guest: Ruth Padawer, who wrote the article, "Losing Fatherhood" for the New York Times Magazine.
You do realize that you're license can be suspended for unpaid fines like doing a rolling stop or something. My license has been suspended due to unpaid fines since I thought the courts gave me 6 months to pay but they only gave me 3. So this doesn't not only apply to deadbeats and drunks. The can tow your car for this garbage now is not cool. I thought providing a breathalyzer was voluntary? They can impound your car if you say no? This is bs!

So you want special consideration because you failed to understand the required fine payment period? What ever happened to personal responsibility in understanding and meeting one's obligations?

You will get a 'notice of suspension' the first time you get pulled over with a suspended licence. If you get pulled over again after getting the notice, then you get charged.
And men have no part in managing the unplanned pregnancy?

Well lets split the difference and say 50/50.

I have a friend who's crazy ex stopped taking the pill but told him she was on it. Now that is some shady **** right there. Lucky for him he came across the non used package of pills before anything could happen but he would have been on the hook for the kid with no say in the matter.

Its a tricky thing that has been debated to death on here.
there should be a pill for men.

I wholeheartedly agree. If there was one, there would have been a lot of redundancy built into the system. That, combined with a combination of artificial wombs capable of carrying a pregnancy to term administrative abortions would level the playing field. If the man wants the baby but the woman doesn't, she can sign over all rights and responsibilities to the man instead of just aborting the pregnancy because "it's her body."
With respect to your situation and experience, mine is alternate to that. I've seen the system work as simple as proving that the money wasn't paid, and the court clerk files the paperwork.
And they will ding you with a failure to give a breath sample and take your car for a week. Back in the day i drove with no insurance and was caught and was $60 to get car out slap another set of plates on and ready to roll again. So my advise if you want to do this get a crap car you can walk away from.

You do realize that you're license can be suspended for unpaid fines like doing a rolling stop or something. My license has been suspended due to unpaid fines since I thought the courts gave me 6 months to pay but they only gave me 3. So this doesn't not only apply to deadbeats and drunks. The can tow your car for this garbage now is not cool. I thought providing a breathalyzer was voluntary? They can impound your car if you say no? This is bs!
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