Accident: Dundas/Postmaster Drive (Oakville)


Well-known member
About 1 hour ago. Minivan L in front of GSXR 600 (only recognizable part of bike left was tail). Does not look good. Rider is inside the van. Crashed through side window. Horrible, horrible. Can't see plate on bike. Hope for the best - hope everyone is ok. Ambulance and police on scene.
just read this in today's Toronto Star
A 33-year-old motorcylist is dead after a T-bone crash on Dundas St. W. in Oakville late Friday night.
Halton police said a 2001 Suzuki motorcycle was travelling eastbound on Dundas St. W. near Postmaster Dr. in the right-hand lane when it struck a 2010 Dodge Caravan travelling westbound.
The van was making a left turn onto Postmaster Dr.
“The motorcycle hit the side of the van and the driver was thrown into the van itself,” Staff Sgt. Peter Hodgson said.
The victim, who can’t be named, was transported to Hamilton General Hospital where he later died. The driver of the van was uninjured.
Investigators believe the speed of the motorcycle may have been a factor. The speed limit on Dundas St. W. where the collision occurred is 60 km/h, Hodgson said.
RIP Rider...condolonces goes out to his family
RIP, and of course the paper lays blame on the rider, shameful.
RIP, and of course the paper lays blame on the rider, shameful.

uniongoon, that's what I was thinking, too. My heart goes out to this poor guy and his family. I wonder if Dodge Caravan will be charged w/improper turn. I got cut off today by one making a L turn (she rolled the stop, too), and the lady had the nerve to wave her hand at me like I did something wrong.

Drive safe, everybody.
So sad......He was a family friend. R.I.P, you will be missed greatly!!!
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Thanks for the support all.
Riders name was Dennis Cruz...... My best friend....friends since diapers.

He leaves behind a 17 year old son.

He will be sorely missed.

My condolences to the family.
RIP and thoughts go out to friends and family. Hard to lose someone and even harder when its put in print for everyone to give an opinion on.
RIP rider. Condolences to family and friends.
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