Running from police.

Lol..I turned down the University of Toronto for my third postdoc.

With an event of a probability x where x is small (getting caught), over a long enough period of time x is likely to occur at some point in time.

Here's a hint, unless you're an evangelical christian that believes in creationism this is how we came into existence. The chance of amino acids assembling to form a structure that can effect self replication and extend amino acid chains to oligopeptides, polypeptides and eventually enzymes is vanishingly small as a single event. Give that event a long enough time to happen and the chance of it happening over enough time increases.

I think the chances of getting caught are a little bit bigger than the case above.

When you look at your finger to type the response to this on your keyboard just have a think about that for a minute.

My bathroom has a leak, when are you free? ;)
I want some people to ignore this post...this doesn't apply to you. I won't debate you on this because it's pointless.

My post is going out to all those who would run:

-Make it a good one. When those lights hit you up from behind, relax, twist the wrist, tuck right in and remember that in those seconds and minutes you're living more life than most people live their entire lives. Remember that we're all going to the same place and when we get there none of this BS matters anyways. There's no "winning" in life, there's no "right" or "wrong". All of that was made up by a bunch of self-righteous comatose zombies.

The only thing that's "right" is what's in your blood.

Look at what they did to the majestic horse. They tied it up, beat it into submission and prance it around a circle for their own amusement. A man can't even be a man anymore. Born free, die free.

F u snitches!:D
I want some people to ignore this post...this doesn't apply to you. I won't debate you on this because it's pointless.

My post is going out to all those who would run:

-Make it a good one. When those lights hit you up from behind, relax, twist the wrist, tuck right in and remember that in those seconds and minutes you're living more life than most people live their entire lives. Remember that we're all going to the same place and when we get there none of this BS matters anyways. There's no "winning" in life, there's no "right" or "wrong". All of that was made up by a bunch of self-righteous comatose zombies.

The only thing that's "right" is what's in your blood.

Look at what they did to the majestic horse. They tied it up, beat it into submission and prance it around a circle for their own amusement. A man can't even be a man anymore. Born free, die free.

F u snitches!:D


Live your life! At least until you kill someones kids or something.
When the system fails to be fair I say to each their own. I don't stop for police unless I feel like it. Then again I have been let off cause I pulled over. I guess depends what I would be charged with,that determines if I should stop or not. GPS and a not so loud exhaust come in handy.
What post doc was that, running your mouth about things you don't understand and have no clue about, like you do here?

Oh the irony, continues... :laughing8: like I said before, you do not understand how probability works! Although, I am impressed at your skills at searching google on how life came into existence, should you really get involved in something that is one of the most complex and unknown issues in the universe's existence, while you DO NOT understand simple math?

What the guy who came in before doesnt want to come anymore? I bet he felt like a genius around you, that's the problem...

Aha. Well, I tried, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.
Aha. Well, I tried, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

For me it's the opposite, I successfully led my horse to a leaking toilet and looks like he's enjoying drinking from there :laughing8:
I refer the honourable gentleman to the statement I provided earlier.

Would you like the last word now?

Why, thank you "professor" for your kind generosity. My last word will be: this summer is going to be a hot one, so enjoy drinking from that leaking toilet...
Why, thank you "professor" for your kind generosity. My last word will be: this summer is going to be a hot one, so enjoy drinking from that leaking toilet...

LOL... I love this place :cool:
Your gonna poke someone's eye out..
people need to stop usning "you could hurt a kid" for everything.

Ya since its an outright lie right?

It seems to a rare thing to give a **** about others these days.
If I only thought of myself I would ride/drive home hammered every friday/saturday night.
Obviously it isn't a lie but it's usually a gross exaggeration that's used to try and justify virtually any point of view. The word "disingenuous" was created specifically for that sort of argument.

For example the "drive home hammered" amplification. Recent changes in law regarding the "warn range", a blood alcohol level that has been shown through study in multiple jurisdictions to be statistically safe, now see people lose their license for days. The original intent of that law was to provide an actual warning and a detox period of 12 hours (longer than what should be required for alcohol to leave the system, at any rate), so that people wouldn't feel safe to push the limits of consumption.

Look at the laws that are being passed these days. Politicians have run out of reasonable measures to take, in their "law and order" campaigns. The result is a push to try and make the unreasonable seem reasonable, so that the electorate will continue to vote for them.
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