yesterday (oct 17) car flipped over on the QEW, do u have sympathy for this person?


Well-known member
east bound QEW near kipling exit. around 4pm. this car hit the front of the guardrail and flipped over. looked like the driver was on the exit lane but decided to get back on the QEW last second and drove on the shoulder. checking blind spot and not paying attention to what's in front and BOOM hit the guardrail head on and flipped.

do u have sympathy for this driver?
No. I see too many people doing stupid things behind the wheel when they waited till the last second to ______ because they either weren't paying attention, or were egocentric pricks who wanted to force their way ahead of others.
Everyone has done and will continue to do stupid ****. No one is an exception. This person just had a particularly unlucky day... I hope the person is ok and that their kids didn't lose a parent.
I don't know why I'm laughing
If that's the way it went down, then no.

When you're travelling at those types of speeds, you can't afford to make last-minute maneuvers without consequences. If you f-ed up, then get off at the exit and get back on where you can. But I can't stand these drivers flying across 2+ lanes of traffic because they didn't plan their trip appropiately.
There's a whole section on GTAM dedicated to expressing sympathetic RIPs and GWSs to riders who crashed, some of whom were no doubt wholly responsible for the collision. So why not some sympathy for a car driver (who could possibly also be a rider)?
This whole "cagers are evil" thing is stupid. This is Canada, it's frickin' winter 6 months of the year, almost all of us own or regularly ride in cars.
sure why not, wasn't like he was trying to kill anyone.

No they weren't but could've with ill decisions like that! Don't get me wrong I dont wish harm on anyone but this is exactly why accidents happen. Stupid decisions. Should've just got off the hwy and entered where/when safe.
There's a whole section on GTAM dedicated to expressing sympathetic RIPs and GWSs to riders who crashed, some of whom were no doubt wholly responsible for the collision. So why not some sympathy for a car driver (who could possibly also be a rider)?
This whole "cagers are evil" thing is stupid. This is Canada, it's frickin' winter 6 months of the year, almost all of us own or regularly ride in cars.

There are times where I want to laugh in the GWS section, but unfortunately I'll be banned
It is not often that the exact circumstances of a collision and all the underlying reasons for it become known.

The one in the video is a "you dumb *#@%" and doesn't get any sympathy from me. No protective gear, probably drunk, definitely incompetent, definitely no situational awareness.

Seen plenty of car crashes too, in which the driver gets hurt thanks to their own stupidity or ignorance. Very little sympathy from me for those, too.

The prohibition of discussion of the circumstances in the "fallen riders" section of this forum has the effect of preventing us from learning from the mistakes of others. I am quite sure that if all of the circumstances became known in many of those cases, the general reaction would be "you stupid idiot, it's your own fault, deal with it" and not much sympathy ... but the rest of us could possibly learn from it.
I'm on the fence..on the one hand, I don't really want to see anyone injured (ok..that's not entirely true..a lot of people deserve to be injured..)..but if they're just dumb or oblivious, I don't really want to see them get hurt TOO badly..
I see people hurt from stupid crap all the time... And I rarely feel sorry for them pulling stupid moves they should have known better than to do... In this case, the driver has learned a lesson... And maybe they'll have some form of PTSD and stay off the roads for good.
I see accidents where I feel bad for the people, and some that I don't.

Had a guy in BC that was drunk and high on a CBR on a back mountain road. Car in front of him slows down, so he decided to pass. Didn't see the car in front of that one that was turning left in to a driveway. Rider launches over the car, slides face first through a pile of dog sh*t and gets his head stuck under a fence until we got there and ripped the fence out.
Broken femur, broken pelvis, broken arm and I'm sure some internal injuries. Not one of the paramedics there felt bad, and the whole ride back to the hospital my preceptor (I was in my training phase) chirped this idiot about being high and drunk and riding like a moron... And the guy deserved it, the 6 year old girl in the back of that car where his bike t-boned them also ended up going to the hospital with a concussion and to get stitches.

Had a rider get clipped by a car that didn't see him and pulled out. He lost is foot and for him, I felt bad! Guy was on a V-strom, in full gear, and all he kept saying was "my wife is going to kill me!".
Anyone that drives long enough has an airhead second and does something stupid, most times it doesn't result in an accident though. Lets face it, every single one of us is capable of making a mistake while driving
I saw a dude today around 5pm who on the ramp from kennedy to warden jumped the guard rail and ended up on top of it...that made me lol cause dude was outside feelin like a dummy and no one was hurt.

Its all funny till someone gets hurt, unless its turbodish then id laugh
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