Yamaha Radian YX600 Air Filter Pods Dilema and Dial-a-Jet

"Dial-a-jet" will not, and can not, do any better than simply installing the correct size of conventional fixed jets. In fact, "Dial-a-jet" works not by changing the fuel jet size, but rather by screwing around with the air bleeds - which doesn't have the same effect.

I gather that the real problem is that you have removed the stock airbox (including its built-in velocity stacks) and have installed individual filters instead. Your real problem is not jetting ... it's that you have changed the inertia of the air column in the intake runner and thus changed its resonant frequency. On the FZRs (your engine is the same as FZ600 and FJ600) you can get it close by making up velocity stacks that are as close as you can get them to the factory configuration (length, diameter, the shape of the bell-mouth).
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