Slim Jim
Well-known member
George Stroumboulopoulos is on HNIC, City TV is broadcasting hockey.
I know it's a rogers production, and I like Stroumboulopoulos as a talk show host, but I think he is out of place on HNIC.Too complex to explain. BTW, the CBC HNIC broadcast is a Rogers production inside a Rogers studio inside the CBC building.
are you racist?
I'm not,I hate everyone equallyare you racist?
He used to be an usher at CineplexHaven't bothered to watch him. Just tune in and watch the game and highlights on TSN or Sportsnet.
So far my plan has worked well and I've been able to keep him out of hockey. It's working well.
And no, I don't enjoy watching him as a talk show host and wasn't a fan of his on MTV.
are you racist?