WTB: Velocity Stacks for 2009 GSX-R600 (Factory Pro or something similar)


Well-known member

I am looking for an individual, or, a local dealer/vendor that can help me find some velocity stacks for my 2009 Suzuki GSX-R600... I am looking for Factory Pro stacks, or, something similar. I've also 'heard' of people making their own stacks in their own machine shops. If you have a dimensioned print/drawing of stacks, I'd be willing to toss you some bucks for that too. I'm open to anything, even used ones that you no longer want or use!

What I've found so far (but, still seems way too high for 4 turned metal sleeves)
Motomummy.com has em for $240 shipped
Baysideperformance.ca has them for 248.17+tax+ship

Please PM me pricing info, or, where to buy these. Let me know what you got. Cash in hand.
I am from Kitchener-Waterloo area...

Dave (Gixxer_Dave)
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