WTB unlocked Iphone 4s


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A foreign client is here for a few days and wants to buy one for his kid. The cheapest we've seen is $500 new. If you guys know of any brick&mortar where it can be had for less, I'd appreciate knowing it. Also if you know of a reliable used store that actually tests their merchandise lol
You're not bending his arm to get an Android?

If you want cheap, might have to go to Howardsforums.com
If you really need one ASAP I can give you my gevey card. It's a good way to unlock iPhones.
Im pretty sure each carrier unlocks their phones now. I know Telus does it for like 30$ or so. They started doing this last year.
You're not bending his arm to get an Android?

If you want cheap, might have to go to Howardsforums.com

I made the suggestion, but all the kid wants is a fashion accessory, so no dice :cool:

Im pretty sure each carrier unlocks their phones now. I know Telus does it for like 30$ or so. They started doing this last year.

Good to know, thanks. In any case the guy picked up a phone for $450.. Can't believe he's paying that much for an old model phone.
Awesome iphones(every model duh) don't depreciate as fast as crappy androids(every model duh).
Awesome iphones(every model duh) don't depreciate as fast as crappy androids(every model duh).

Theyre just like used motorcycles in Ontario! Magically going UP in price in some examples from new.

I guess I can sell my 4S for more than I expected! LoL

mind you 450$ may seem like a lot for us but in some countries the 4S can be going for way more than that. I have clients from turkey that when they come here they buy a few iPhone 5 models and unload them back home for a nice profit.
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Also possible that based on the buzz I came across, 5 wasn't received as well, so there's more of a demand for 4?
Buy the little serb bastard a used one for $300 he won't know the diff.
Buy the little serb bastard a used one for $300 he won't know the diff.

Wrong continent, but thanks for comin' out :cool: In any case the guy already picked up a phone, not that I particularly care which one now that he won't be going back shopping. Thanks for all the tips guys!
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