Wow, German Sony fans are nuts


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People will burn to death in a club thats on fire cause they cant get out quick enough, but if there's an opportunity to save 6 dollars they've got it down to a science
People will burn to death in a club thats on fire cause they cant get out quick enough, but if there's an opportunity to save 6 dollars they've got it down to a science

My observations:

1) The end is real effing nigh :shock:

2) If I were an unvoluntary HR consultant or food supplier for certain ethnic category of restaurants, I know how to attract "raw material" :cool:

3) Some of dem Germans put down their hard-won consoles to assist people in need

4) Even during the worst Obama-caused panics, US gun shops were a lot more civilized
Sweet black jesus that's insane.

I like the music. It seemed appropriate. I wish there was subtitles. I really wanna know what's going on.
lol listening to the narrator swear was more entertaining. Yeah its pretty intense but what do you expect from people who invented pooping on each other porn.
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