Would Trump as President be like a good motorcycle crash?


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A good motorcycle crash would be a drunk punk stunting, totaling his bike and breaking a leg, facing dangerous driving charges, fines and insurance penalties. He would survive and heal 100% over four years, coming out of rehab more aware of how stupid he was and how limited his abilities were. He would have learned to never do anything that stupid again. Learning the hard way beats not learning at all.

Any chance for the USA learning if Trump wins?

I can't help but feel he is a decoy, absorbing all the Democrat research while the real candidate builds a platform suddenly springing it on an unprepared democratic hopeful. Has DT ever held any political position? Mayor, Councillor, school trustee, crossing guard?
Has DT ever held any political position? Mayor, Councillor, school trustee, crossing guard?

Say what you want about DT but his popularity is a sad testament to all the politicians and crossing guards before him. That's the real tragedy.
The US has a history of hiring movie stars, pro wrestlers and gangsters to run important things. This is just the next guy.

They also historically shoot the ones that aren't working out......
Think train wreck, only two of them on one track heading towards each other full speed. Both trains are carrying toxic waste and hazardous chemicals, both of which will change the landscape forever

The trains have already wrecked. They're just trying to build war wagons out of salvaged parts. Mad Max anyone?
Hitlery on the other hand is just what the US of A needs...........

Funny you mention that. The rise of a fascist like Hitler came about in large part because of desperate economic and social conditions in Germany in the 1920s and 1930s. You can easily see the parallels in the rise of these two "outsiders": economies in the doldrums; the blaming of minorities/immigrants for the ills of society; appealing to the lowest, basest of human emotions and fears in his racist, hateful, childish rhetoric; calling for mass deportations; thugs at his rallies "dealing with" voices of dissent and protest on his orders etc.

Hillary is a career politician from a political family with a few skeletons in the closet but she's no Trump when it comes to parallels to Hitler.
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