Worth buying bluray 3D


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My DVD player died and I'm debating whether to replace it with a bluray player or a 3D bluray player, the difference seems to be about 30$. My projector is 3D ready but it takes active 3D glasses which aren't cheap. We don't tend to buy many movies so I'm not sure it's worth buying one (already have a wdtv that does Netflix etc) as I've got the ps2 (though it lacks a remote).
until a technology come along that means I dont need stupid $90 glasses I'm not buying in, I think its the next fad to pass. Really like my regular bluray however.
I bought a 3d tv this year the deal was pretty good to pass up. Having said that I haven't bought any 3d movies yet, they're all like freakin 30 something bucks close to $40 if you add taxes. My tv came with 4 pair of glasses and I they're $40 each if you buy another one. The 3d is pretty cool though I never thought I'd be impress but the demo's movies/trailers they have which I can stream is awesome. But ya hopefully these movies come down in prices, kinda sucky that I got no collection of 3d movies with a 3d tv.
I'm not really sold on the 3D thing. Movies are less available and more expensive ... however, active glasses are available online for surprisingly cheap. Find a friend who's got a 3D setup and watch TT3D or something, you'll probably decide one way or another if it's something you want to bother with.
My question would be were you born with 3d glasses when holograpics go mainstream I may hop on board

If you have a decent internet connection and know where to get content then my recommendation is to skip BluRay altogether. Physical media is dying fast (at least optical is). Put together a HTPC that will last you years. But if you're set on buying a BD player might as well spend the extra $30 since the rest of your setup supports 3D.

As for the glasses, if your projector uses DLP Link you can try third party glasses such as those from Xpand. You can find these glasses on ebay for relatively cheap ($65 or so with shipping). I set these up with my buddy's projector and it works but it was a PITA to configure on a PC. Xpand also sells universal glasses for other 3D technologies but I don't know too much about them.
I bought a 3d capable TV a year ago....I can count on one hand how many times i actually sat down and watched a movie in 3D. Not cuz i didnt have the ability to DL or rent a 3d movie...but its a gimmick that grows old fast.
I thought it was jut the tv/projector that had to be 3D enabled. As long as the hard ware can play BD, you're good. but I don't care enough to look it up online.

PS3 beats all.
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go figure. i had no idea there was even a 3D option for a blue ray player. I just assumed all blue-ray players would play 3D BD movies.
go figure. i had no idea there was even a 3D option for a blue ray player. I just assumed all blue-ray players would play 3D BD movies.

It takes basically nothing at this point for a manufacturer to enable 3D playback on a player... it's so trivial it's ridiculous. At this point, really, they can't be realizing any cost savings by omitting 3D support from a player except by not having to actually test that it works. Also, if you bought a PS3 at launch (in 2006) it would later be updated to playback 3D Blu-ray, even though the relevant HDMI standard (1.4) wasn't released until 3 years LATER in 2009.
PS3 beats all.

Compared to a dedicated Full HD 3D Blu-Ray player with HDMI 1.4, not quite. The PS3 when playing 3D Blu-Ray will not output Dolby TrueHD audio. Not entirely a big issue for most and especially not at all if you don't have the audio system for it. Just something to note for the true video and audiophiles out there.

For 3D Blu-Ray movies, you need a 3D capable Blu-Ray player along with high speed HDMI cables. The PS3 can achieve what it can in 3D because of firmware updates. Older BD players don't get that luxury of support.
I bought a 3d capable TV a year ago....I can count on one hand how many times i actually sat down and watched a movie in 3D. Not cuz i didnt have the ability to DL or rent a 3d movie...but its a gimmick that grows old fast.

at this poing i'm leaning to not even replacing the dvd player unless the ps2 dies or they get stupid cheap. we might watch a disc every couple months, most of the content is watched via the western digital live tv.
We have no less than 4 DVD or blue ray places in our closets, we have almost no use for them anymore and can't even gve them away to friends. So at this point I would not other trying to replace a dying technology
I just bought a Sony 3D blue ray player on sale at Costco for 89. You can also download SBS 3D movies and watch them from the usb.

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$30-$40 for a movie is crazy. No wonder people want to download now. It's becoming impossible to afford these things.
Meh, 3d. You know its one of those things. At first you think its cool. Then putting on the glasses, some glasses need charged, sometimes theirs not enough glasses to go around when people are over. Before you know it you don't care about the 3d anymore and never use the feature anymore. Up to you but I'd say don't sweat it.

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