Worst drivers - by make & model of their cage...


Active member
Let's setup some fun discussion on which vehicle make/models contain the worst drivers in your experience.

Note:don't care WHO is inside - just interested in the community stereotypes of driver skill as expressed by their choice of vehicle.

I'll start - I used to avoid VW Golf drivers - too wild and unpredictable. But this has gotten better in the last few years as the Golf has moved away from it's boy racer image.
Buick Century. I'm not going to age discriminate, but the "Century" part is key.
old man, buick, hat = most dangerous thing on the road.
Suzuki GSXR. I'm not going to discriminate against cages.
Volvo :angry4: I think the reputation of safest car in the world has them all thinking they can drive as aggressively as they want...'cause hey, they'll be safe! Anyone in their way...should have bought a Volvo! See soooooo much BS driving from these people!
Not so much about make and model as it is the location or postal code.

Check the insurance company stats for the GTA I think Brampton and Markham have the highest claims respective to their populations.

As in, if you live in those cities you will be paying more for insurance due to the high frequency of claims.
When I was a truck driver and drove 300+ km of city driving a day, the ones that always ground my gears where the BMW, Jaguar, and Mercedes drivers -- and higher... I found the more one paid for a car, the more they felt they had a right to it and drove like ********.
My experience:
1. Pickup trucks driven by guys wearing baseball hats.
2. Delivery/service vans.
3. Japanese cars driven by angry 20-something y/o girls.
My neighbourhood, its BMW's (all of them) mostly that drive like the biggest an-us-holes. The shame there is that BMW's are great cars but I could never buy one now.
Anything with the City of Toronto logo on it.
Previous model Dodge Grand Caravan.
Driver: Middled aged man driving agressively because he is over compensating for driving a mini van. Mini van drivers scare me the most of all
BMWs = biggest ******** on the road
tan Corollas = most incompetent on the road

I worked a job driving all over the GTA for 7+ years. The above categorizations almost never failed.
Driver: Middled aged man driving agressively because he is over compensating for driving a mini van. Mini van drivers scare me the most of all

Funny thing is that if they drove like sane people, nobody would think any less of them for driving a minivan... lol
You know...I drove a newer BMW 3 series lately and it took me 15 minutes to figure out how to turn off the turn signal stalk. Sure I"m kinda dumb, but that car is also designed stupid. Maybe all of these crappy BMW drivers just can't find the radio or something. :D
You know...I drove a newer BMW 3 series lately and it took me 15 minutes to figure out how to turn off the turn signal stalk. Sure I"m kinda dumb, but that car is also designed stupid. Maybe all of these crappy BMW drivers just can't find the radio or something. :D

The idea is to RTFM (Read The Fine Manual), before you get behind the wheel. Glad to know that you are in the crowd endangering the rest of us.
The idea is to RTFM (Read The Fine Manual), before you get behind the wheel. Glad to know that you are in the crowd endangering the rest of us.

Eh it was in a new company car and we were late for a site meeting. I was on Spadina before I realized what kinda mess I got myself into.

I only killed a few children. Relax.
Dodge caravan - middle aged PPL
Any old 10 yr+ vehicles - new immigrants from all nations! u can tell by them not following north american rules!
corolla, camry, nissans, civics - usually favoured by sh itty drivers

i'll add my mom in this too, god i cant stand her when i'm in shotgun seat!
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