Why can't we???????

75 mph eh? And texas has 85? Man that would be f'in awesome! People would still drive like crap here though. Just faster....like flinging poop at a fan.
75 mph eh? And texas has 85? Man that would be f'in awesome! People would still drive like crap here though. Just faster....like flinging poop at a fan.

So why not increase the quality of driver we have on the road? We should be making it much harder to get a license, and focus our traffic enforcement on lousy drivers not the rate of speed the majority of drivers are travelling.
So why not increase the quality of driver we have on the road? We should be making it much harder to get a license, and focus our traffic enforcement on lousy drivers not the rate of speed the majority of drivers are travelling.

Because that makes too much sense. Thats not how we roll 'round here.
It sounds awesome, but all that would really accomplish is that I'll have to slam on my brakes even HARDER behind the ******* tooling around in the fast lane going 90kmh.
Most states that i've driven through only have the higher speed limits in rural areas. In the city the speed limits on most Interstates is pretty close to what we have here and sometimes even lower. The 401 for example would likely stay 100kph between Kitchener and Whitby.
Most states that i've driven through only have the higher speed limits in rural areas. In the city the speed limits on most Interstates is pretty close to what we have here and sometimes even lower. The 401 for example would likely stay 100kph between Kitchener and Whitby.

Or that stretch of the 401 would go down to a rgidly-enforced 90 kmph if Ontario were to follow the lead of New York State's I-90 Interstate.
Or that stretch of the 401 would go down to a rgidly-enforced 90 kmph if Ontario were to follow the lead of New York State's I-90 Interstate.

2 of my friends just got nailed on the I-90 last week. 5 over and 8 over. The guy with 8 over had an outstanding ticket from 15 years ago. Took his license right then and there.
So why not increase the quality of driver we have on the road? We should be making it much harder to get a license, and focus our traffic enforcement on lousy drivers not the rate of speed the majority of drivers are travelling.
Never going to happen. Makes too much sense and not enough money.
The insurance industry likes that we get speeding tickets. They wouldn't let anything like this go through, and the police organizations would be behind them on this.
Insurance Industry doesn’t care how they make money, justthat they make money. If you can frameyour argument in a way that shows them ha doing this will result in making more money then they canbecome an ally. Getting unskilled anduncaring (aggressive) drivers off of our roads can reduce the number ofinsurance claims therefore more profit.

Once the number of collisions becomes significantly loweronly then can we hope for increased speeds on Freeways.

Getting a Driver’s Licence is too easy in Ontario. There are Drivetest Centers in our provincethat have a pass rate of 90%; that is a joke.

Write your MPP and demand that the Driver’s Licence Tests bescored properly, the test routes be challenging, and that people must take thedriving test near where they live.

For those of you who doubt what I am saying, I am a formerDriver Examiner with the Ministry of Transportation and later Drivetest; so I havethe knowledge and experience. When aperson wants to become a Driver Instructor in Ontario, they have to pass the Gclass test. When they show up at theDrivetest Center, the Driver Examiner knows that person is a Driver InstructorCandidate (because of the paper-work). In this situation we were instructed to score the test by following theMarking Guide to the letter, not the spirit of the law. The result of this policy is that theInstructor Candidates have a 95% fail rate. No rules were broken; no errors fabricated; simply all that was seen(errors) were noted. What is wrong withthat? Why should Driver Examiners be lenientwith everybody else? Driving is a privilegenot a right. Scoring drivers this waywill keep the incompetent and uncaring off of our roads, improving our qualityof life.

Only once there are less stupid drivers on our roads can wehope for increased speeds; write your MPP's, make this happen.

I there something wrong with what I did? Not sure about the posting etiquette.

I keep hearing same complaint by people today so I thought to add something here. Why did you read my post on this old thread?
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