Why America can't afford public health care

Eh... your body can only break down so much fat at once. The majority of that was likely not digested.

How does that guy have 3 litres of stomach capacity, though?
Fat doesn't make you fat or unhealthy anyway, and fats like olive oil (NOT the light stuff) is actually very healthy. It's the amount of carbs we ingest today that messes up our whole system. You can have a pound of bacon and 6 eggs every morning for breakfast and still be perfectly healthy as long as you keep your carbs in check. Depending on body type that means a maximum of anywhere from 30-75 grams of carbs a day. That being said, I didn't watch the video. Too long for something senseless for me.
Fat doesn't make you fat or unhealthy anyway, and fats like olive oil (NOT the light stuff) is actually very healthy. It's the amount of carbs we ingest today that messes up our whole system. You can have a pound of bacon and 6 eggs every morning for breakfast and still be perfectly healthy as long as you keep your carbs in check. Depending on body type that means a maximum of anywhere from 30-75 grams of carbs a day. That being said, I didn't watch the video. Too long for something senseless for me.

I'm going to guess you'd not be a medical professional.
I'm going to guess you'd not be a medical professional.

alhope34 didn't offer anyone a prescription so I doubt it.

But what you're saying is that only medical professionals are qualified to speak about health?
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If you doubt me do some proper research for yourself and find articles and books that can actually cite real lab testing.I lost 80 lbs a few years bad on a high fat high protein diet. All I did was cut the garbage, which is carbs. Also besides the carbs anything grainrelated, that includes corn which is in almost everything pre packaged in some form or another, is incredibly unhealthy. Not only does it have a seriously low nutrient per calorie ratio but to even have most grains processable by the human body you need to alter or change it in some way. High fructose corn syrup that most things are sweetened with these days is even more toxic than plain white sugar which is already horrible for you. Anything isolated is not healthy and not in its natural form you are meant to ingest. The healthiest diet one can have is strict meat, veggies, berries and seeds. Fruits are also not good for you because of high sugar content, but keep in mind they are still better than any grain based or isolated product. We as a species has evolved to eat a particular diet over a million or more years and the processing and cultivating of grains and fruits have only been around for about 10,000 years. That is not enough time for our bodies to change how we process certain foods and especially in the last 100 years or so diets have become MUCH more high in carbs and people have gotten lazier and lazier in their jobs and life and cant work off all the carbs like they should. Remember you can be skinny and still have high cholesterol. Going down to 30g or less carbs per day will clear up any cholesterol or high blood pressure problems anyone will have.

Peoples body types are different and some wont gain any weight no matter what they eat but I stress that it doesn't mean you are healthy in any way shape or form. You can usually find delicious low carb options for common foods, my favourite is a double bacon cheeseburger with grilled or fried portabellos for buns. :) i do still have one high carb "cheat" day a week, though. I still havea carb addiction like 99% of people alive today in north america. Thats probably why I havent gone smaller than 46 to a 35" waist but then im also a pretty thick guy anyway. If I didnt have that one day a week I'd probably fall off of the proper eating.

Believe me or dont believe me I really dont care, but ive done my share of research over the years and I know what im talking about. I believe everyone has the fundamental right to put whatever they want in their own body, so if people want to give themselves strokes, heart disease or diabetes then go right ahead.

Sorry for typos I did this all on my phone and its bugging out and bothering me now.
Lol, humans have only roam the earth for 200,000 yrs, believe it or not. A blip in the life of the earth.

You bring a good argument for weight loss, but you haven't addressed how bad that is for his digestive system. There is no way he can digest all that oil.

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His poops would probably be silky smooth for a while and require a whole roll of toilet paper each time. And my points are for general health, not only weight loss.
Believe me or dont believe me I really dont care, but ive done my share of research over the years and I know what im talking about. I believe everyone has the fundamental right to put whatever they want in their own body, so if people want to give themselves strokes, heart disease or diabetes then go right ahead.

Your post is bang on imo. I dropped about 25 lbs a couple of years ago getting cutting down on carbs and sticking to more of a primal diet (not 100%). Afterwards I joked about having my pack weight (for hiking) down to zero since that was about what my pack weight was. It was actually an interesting way to look at the weight loss once I was carrying it on my back.

Anyway, the big one for me was gluten. It took me years to discover that this was the cause of some serious issues I was having. Even now when I get stupid and eat something with wheat, I pay for it huge afterwards. We both eat fairly clean now and can always tell when we've eaten something that we shouldn't have. I really enjoy learning more about this stuff and experimenting with food. Except for when I was a kid, I've never had more energy in my life.

Of course if you think eating Mcburgers and processed food in general is working for you, then who am I to argue. To each their own.
Asian version... seriously, that could have fed his entire village back home...

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