Who will quote/take new riders?


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I just taught a friend of mine to ride on the weekend...She picked it up really quickly and Im actually really impressed with her riding ability...She really wants to buy a 600 sport bike for next summer, and will be getting her lic before the end of this year. Problem is her car insurance is with State farm and she is only 20 years old, and they said they will not insure or even quote anyone under 21 with less then 3 years experience...

So can anyone suggest insurance companies that will even quote a 20 year old girl that will be a new rider. I know its going to be expensive, but we need to at least get quotes...Even if she has to settle for a smaller les sporty bike...

Thanks for any info
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The only place that would insure me (under 21 and new rider) was TD.
They also required me to complete a training/m1x course.
Interesting! Same company that I had to go with when I was 18..
And it's by no means cheap... $3800 for a gs500f.
After a full year of holding a license I can get insured by other places like Jevco, etc. Hopefully they'll be a lot cheaper.

If she turns 21 before she buys her bike, she should be able to get quotes at Jevco, John Duffy, etc. They told me I need to either have 1 year holding a motorcycle license, or be 21 (I'm 19.)

I also have no car driving experience (G1) so I'm not sure if that'll affect anything price-wise.
And it's by no means cheap... $3800 for a gs500f.
After a full year of holding a license I can get insured by other places like Jevco, etc. Hopefully they'll be a lot cheaper.

If she turns 21 before she buys her bike, she should be able to get quotes at Jevco, John Duffy, etc. They told me I need to either have 1 year holding a motorcycle license, or be 21 (I'm 19.)

I also have no car driving experience (G1) so I'm not sure if that'll affect anything price-wise.

I hope that's full coverage for $3800? She will turn 21 in May, so very possible she can wait till then before getting insurance
I don't know what it is with Jevco not insuring 21 y/o and under because they were going to insure me but the quote was too high.

I'm 20: G2 since 16, full G at 18 (yes I loafted).. I called for just a quote it was 3900 and change/yr for a 250... I hadn't even mentioned my accident on my record but they apparently don't count your vehicle accidents only motorcycle accidents. Bike bought in May, M2 transferred same month through a course.

I paired with MM (same as TD) with my car to get 2700...

If she's a university student they do discounts for students!

Good luck! Let me know if you find something! lol
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I hope that's full coverage for $3800? She will turn 21 in May, so very possible she can wait till then before getting insurance

It's murder, Johnny. Statefarm told me I needed to have my G class license for 5 years before they insure me, are you sure they said 3 for her?

I'm with TD MM and it ain't cheap, I think it was near 2200/year liability only on my GS500. 600 SS quotes for me were getting into the low 5 digits

I hear TD MM does monthly payments now.. so that could help to spread the burden
I guess times have changed, TD insured me at 18 with only an M1 and no other driving lic at all, on a brand new financed R6 for around $3000 full coverage in 2001.
I hope that's full coverage for $3800? She will turn 21 in May, so very possible she can wait till then before getting insurance
It is. But I also got quoted for the bare minimum, and it was about 3500. So for an extra 300 might as well. Plus I'm not paying it... so yeah.

Stupid thing is; Statefarm insured me. For about $2200 for the year. but then a month later they cut my insurance, because I hadn't been driving for 5 years on my G; so I shouldn't of even gotten coverage. Would of been nice to know before I bought the bike, based on that rate. Because the agent I called ****ed up I was stuck with getting a gs500 insured.
Although, I don't think a ninja 250 would of been a whole lot cheaper.
Start small. That's all I gotta say...

She very well might have too for insurance cost reasons, but its hard to convince someone to buy a 250 or 500 when they learnt on a stunt bike 636 with +13 rear sprocket the first day, and then an 09 ZX6R the 2nd day. Now she wants a 600cc sport bike....
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