Who wants to go to cuba?


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Its well established that the cuban healthcare system is quite advanced...they're close to a vaccine...article says tourists may be able to get the vaccine...

"Vicente Vérez, one of the scientists leading the team that developed the vaccine, has said that the island could offer vaccinations to all foreigners who travel there."

Its well established that the cuban healthcare system is quite advanced...they're close to a vaccine...article says tourists may be able to get the vaccine...

"Vicente Vérez, one of the scientists leading the team that developed the vaccine, has said that the island could offer vaccinations to all foreigners who travel there."

quarantine 2 weeks and pay just to get vaccinated? nah.
what if you get it 12 months early tho?
the cost of quarantine and and air ticket? ehhhh...

i dont want to go to cuba for vacation, so still leaning towards nah.
I'm ok with Cuba. Just not planes.
I'm ok with Cuba. Just not planes.
just brought this up with the wife, I like the idea of it, but odds are you might get rona on the plane on the way to getting the vaccine
First of all I wouldn't be inclined to believe what a communist government is telling me is safe when it comes to injecting me with anything. Secondly, I would have to eat their food the whole time there. Horrid is the only description of their food I can think of! No thanks. Great beaches is all they got going for them, aside from some bitchin' automobiles :love:
I'll await my OHIP funded vaccine here thanks.
Have a friend who lives there on his sailboat. Been there for years. Retired. Says the living is cheap, couldn't afford to retire in Canada.
First of all I wouldn't be inclined to believe what a communist government is telling me is safe when it comes to injecting me with anything. Secondly, I would have to eat their food the whole time there. Horrid is the only description of their food I can think of! No thanks. Great beaches is all they got going for them, aside from some bitchin' automobiles :love:
I'll await my OHIP funded vaccine here thanks.

The food is fine at actual restaurants, won't knock your socks off, but not bad. Your average 4 star resort food will be pretty crappy though.

I've had some very fun times in Havana. The key is to leave behind the tourists and explore more of the local life.

For a cheap, easy, and fun vacation, Cuba is awesome. Last time I went was a 4 day weekend, middle of January, ran me about $500 all-inclusive at a 4 star. Cheaper than a weekend in Niagara Falls.
if you want to look at sand all day, eat food that barely passes as OK and get wasted on the cheap, there isn't many better options.

After 2 trips i realized that's not my idea of unwinding.
The food is fine at actual restaurants, won't knock your socks off, but not bad. Your average 4 star resort food will be pretty crappy though.

I've had some very fun times in Havana. The key is to leave behind the tourists and explore more of the local life.

For a cheap, easy, and fun vacation, Cuba is awesome. Last time I went was a 4 day weekend, middle of January, ran me about $500 all-inclusive at a 4 star. Cheaper than a weekend in Niagara Falls.

How did you manage to have fun with all the dengue, malaria, crime, being surrounded with poverty, intermittent services, jungle bugs, chancy health care etc?

I was a drummer back in a the day, and we spent weeks touring across the country, had a lot of fun, even had my first #metoo moment when an older gal decided to cop a feel
How did you manage to have fun with all the dengue, malaria, crime, being surrounded with poverty, intermittent services, jungle bugs, chancy health care etc?

I was a drummer back in a the day, and we spent weeks touring across the country, had a lot of fun, even had my first #metoo moment when an older gal decided to cop a feel

I enjoy going to shifty countries, gives you some perspective on other cultures and lives. Cuba is especially cool because the people have found ways around the limitations imposed by communism.

Best memory was in Havana, stumbled on an underground party on the rooftop of a normal apartment building. Great music, great people, and $1 beer. Someone at the apartment building next door was selling pizza out of their apartment, on the 3rd'ish floor. Yell what you want, throw some money in the bin on a rope dangled from the balcony. Up goes the bin with your money, down it came with a pizza in it.

As for your #metoo moment, me too! Random club somewhere in Varadero, my friend and I are checking it out. Hooker comes up, grabs my crotch, asks drink or no drink? No... Moves on to my friend, drink or no drink?
I enjoy going to shifty countries, gives you some perspective on other cultures and lives. Cuba is especially cool because the people have found ways around the limitations imposed by communism.

Best memory was in Havana, stumbled on an underground party on the rooftop of a normal apartment building. Great music, great people, and $1 beer. Someone at the apartment building next door was selling pizza out of their apartment, on the 3rd'ish floor. Yell what you want, throw some money in the bin on a rope dangled from the balcony. Up goes the bin with your money, down it came with a pizza in it.

As for your #metoo moment, me too! Random club somewhere in Varadero, my friend and I are checking it out. Hooker comes up, grabs my crotch, asks drink or no drink? No... Moves on to my friend, drink or no drink?

I dont think she was a hooker, just some lady at the venue we were playing at, decides to just start groping as we pose for pictures :ROFLMAO:
For youes that are doubting Cuba's healthcare: Did you know Cuba's biggest export is Doctors... next is soldiers but try to ignore THAT fact.
Some of the BEST ocular surgeons and doctors come from Cuba. If you want to check, go to Toronto Western. LOTS AND LOTS of Cuban doctors at Toronto Western. Havana medical university has partnered with Toronto Western.
Cuba has partnered with big name medical universities world wide. They take doctoring VERY seriously.
Cuba used to take OHIP, not any more, and would BEND over backwards for you. A broken arm in Cuba is worth $250, but they get to bill OHIP $750-1000.
Cuba's treatment of AIDS patients set the world standard... and when Cuba got the recipe for the anti-viral for AIDS, they produced TONS of it and gave it, FREE OF CHARGE, to any African nation that wanted it.
Cuba traded doctors to Venezuela for oil. When the oil stopped, the doctors stayed... which completely screwed the rich Venezuelan doctors that wouldn't leave the city, where the money was, cuz the MONEY went out into the country side where the Cuban doctors were. There was a BIG reset in the cost of healthcare in Venezuela as a result. The Cuban doctors stayed.

I've been to Cuba a few times, Havana Once. IMHO AVOID HAVANA.
I have friends in Holguin, east side of the island, Castro's birthplace. We stay in a crappy resort but eat at Alvero's house. We would give each Alvero's mother $10 USD a day and she would cook Cuban/local dishes for us. $20 USD will buy half a pig, we eat some, alvero's mother makes sausage with the other 35-40 # leftover. Works out all round.
No one has questioned the Cuban healthcare system. It's common knowledge that theirs is one of the best in the world.

What's questionable is taking the word of a communist regime that they've developed a safe and effective vaccine that they will offer to tourists coming to their country, although no other country in the world has studied it or approved it. Personally, I wouldn't chance it. Others are welcome to make their own choice.

I also find it odd that a regime could do all this wonderful R&D work to develop and manufacture Covid vaccine yet they can't find a way to stock their own country's grocery store shelves with bread? :unsure:
No one has questioned the Cuban healthcare system. It's common knowledge that theirs is one of the best in the world.

What's questionable is taking the word of a communist regime that they've developed a safe and effective vaccine that they will offer to tourists coming to their country, although no other country in the world has studied it or approved it. Personally, I wouldn't chance it. Others are welcome to make their own choice.

I also find it odd that a regime could do all this wonderful R&D work to develop and manufacture Covid vaccine yet they can't find a way to stock their own country's grocery store shelves with bread? :unsure:

Same reason they're still driving ancient cars, american sanctions.

Also from the article:
"Cuba began to pour money into biotech in the 1980s, as part of Fidel Castro’s drive to make the nation self-sufficient in the face of a U.S. embargo that made it difficult to obtain drugs produced abroad.

The investment in public health gave rise to dozens of medical research institutions and a surplus of doctors, which Cuba sends to other countries in medical missions.

In 2019, the leasing of doctors, nurses and technicians brought in $5.4 billion, twice as much as tourism, a major driver of the economy.

The island’s biotech sector is also well developed. Cuba makes eight of the 12 vaccines administered to children on the island and exports vaccines to more than 30 countries.

“It is a biotech juggernaut,” said Gail Reed, the editor of MEDICC Review, a peer-reviewed journal of Cuban and developing world medicine, about the island. “The accomplishments are undeniable.” "
Cuba is a fascinating place, its 'communist light' now, they are now almost alone in the communist world, and now license private business, thousands of them. Some very nice restaurants exist in Havana , the resort food still blows, but you can stay in a really nice hotel in downtown Havana, eat drink well , see some really amazing art galleries, the opera house is an architectural marvel. The old Spanish fort is great to visit.

If I was really needing the vaccine I'd fly to Florida and get it there, snow birds are ok if you have your wallet.
There could be a small window of opportunity for vaccine tourism with COVID-19, not for me (don't want to risk getting on a plane, etc....) but I am sure they can get lots of middle class people that have to wait at home and can go front of the line there. Hell, people are still trying to head to resports, why would they not change that to Cuba and get a vaccine at the same time? Not a majority of people of course, but enough to generate some tourism income until things turn around.
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