Who let the squids out???? | GTAMotorcycle.com

Who let the squids out????


Well-known member
Saw my first squid of the season ... Its still not that hot... Ill only start shedding the jacket when its 30 +
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who cares? as long as your not the one scraping them off the pavement or pulling there head out from behind a transport...
Saw my first squid of the season ... Its still not that hot... Ill only start shedding the jacket when its 30 +


I did a fake squid two days ago.. mesh jacket and my hoodie on top.. looked kool :D
This is not a thread to bash people who dont wear gear... just a good weather coming = squids coming thread. Its your choice really what you do.
I wear the flesh of several donors over my leathers. Safe squidding.
probably not. I still don't know why people care what others are wearing. You don't start a thread indicating you saw someone not wearing a seatbelt.
I did it. Gotta get the farmers tan going..
Is mesh gear really THAT bad?
I don't usually post in threads like this but here's an idea.. if everyone just ignored it, the OP would get the hint that no one cares and not post more threads about squids?
The worse part is, the picture isn't working. =/
What exactly is a squid?

I thought it was this guy:

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