I have a 1986 concours concours. I took apart the junction box and it appears that the solder on the relays for the starter, headlight and indicators is cracked. I'm leary of trying to do this myself as these are notoriously hard to come by.
Given how simple this thing is, does anyone have recommendations for someone locally who can re-solder these conditions? Ideally in the Hamilton - Mississauga area.
Any help would be appreciated,
I have a 1986 concours concours. I took apart the junction box and it appears that the solder on the relays for the starter, headlight and indicators is cracked. I'm leary of trying to do this myself as these are notoriously hard to come by.
Given how simple this thing is, does anyone have recommendations for someone locally who can re-solder these conditions? Ideally in the Hamilton - Mississauga area.
Any help would be appreciated,
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