Where to take soldering / electrical work? Junction box repair needed.


Well-known member

I have a 1986 concours concours. I took apart the junction box and it appears that the solder on the relays for the starter, headlight and indicators is cracked. I'm leary of trying to do this myself as these are notoriously hard to come by.

Given how simple this thing is, does anyone have recommendations for someone locally who can re-solder these conditions? Ideally in the Hamilton - Mississauga area.

Any help would be appreciated,
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Oh boy, that looks familiar. Had a diode go bad in a similar junction box on my ZX9R.

Just get some electronics solder and a small soldering iron and do it yourself. All it will take is a dab of solder with a good hot iron on the offending joints (and I'd give all of them a dab while you are in there - they'll all eventually crack). Relays will tolerate soldering-gun heat without too much trouble. The electronic components can be more sensitive, but even those are designed to be soldered - just be quick about it - a good clean HOT iron is your friend - scrape up the tip on a piece of sandpaper before starting and make sure the solder melts immediately when you touch it to the tip.
TheDirty on GTAM is good with electronics, not sure if he'd be interested, but it's worth a PM
This doesn't look too difficult.
Clean the board, "re-flow" the solder connections. You'll need good sized solding iron; bigger than the pin point electronic circuit board irons, smaller than a 30 Watt leaded glass iron.
Use some electronics (rosin) flux core solder, clean the board when you're done.
that doesnt look to bad at all....
If your not up to do it --- I can do it for you (on the weekend) --- Im in Oakville
If you bring it to Dundas Starter and Alternator, 469 Hensall CIRCLE (NOT ROAD, the north side of the circle) #4, Mississauga, (905)272-3150, I'll see what I can do.
Check the COG forum I believe they have a step by step with updated relays as they are known to go bad. Good Luck.
I can do it and replace the relays if you want to update them, I have those relays here. I'm on the other side of the city, though.
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