where to find used GMC 5.3L engine for a 1500 pickup?


No idea where to look or how much a decent used engine might cost... I need to replace one in a work truck thats drinking coolant and oil at a heavy rate. I figure it's less work and probably cheaper to just swap the motor (300k on the odometer btw) than to isolate and fix the issue in this one, as it could be a number of things from cracked heads, gaskets, or piston rings. Those repairs take time and $$$.

Any ideas?
Small list I just composed because I am looking for some parts

B & D 905 827 8015
Megacity 1-877-550-5541

Standard auto wrockers 416-286-8686
North Queen auto parts (audi) (416) 233-5801
A-1 Wreckers (519) 756-0410
Cambridge Auto Wreckers (519) 623-0229

There a few big ones in the east end, but I didn't bother with them.
call any wrecker, they have an internet sharing system where they can post a "looking for" and whichever wrecker has it offers it up.

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