Where to buy a lint brush?


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I'm looking for a brush, not a roller. Like this:


Why is it so hard to find one? Everyone that has one has had it for 20 years and has no idea where they got it. I've tried all the normal big retailers but all they have are the adhesive lint rollers.

Maybe not at all of them. Call before you go and have them hold one for you.
I always see those at the grocery store. You know, in that section that also sells lightbulbs and such.
Yup, not sure which ones though.

I always see those at the grocery store. You know, in that section that also sells lightbulbs and such.

I don't know about you guys but I find duck tape works way better then the roll or the brush
Dunno..I've had mine for 20 years..works great..better than the sticky thing..
I got the Dollarama one as well, works well and I've been using it for over a year now.
The roller only picks up the light stuff, not a fan.
Got mine at Zellers. Wal Mart has 'em too.

You really need a roller and a brush, they pick up different tchit.

Besides, don't wanna be racist.
This thread went full roller real fast.
You guys are species-ists. You should really think about how people will interpret what you write when you put up pictures of lint rollers and brushes.

Do the right thing and apologize!

We always had a cat or two growing up, we've had boring cats, we've had grumpy cats (i think this is most cats)... only one Ernie though, he very much thinks he's a dog and he never really grew up. He acts like more of a dog than some of the dogs we've had. So the advantages of a dog, with none of the high maintenance.

A real life Mr Mistofellees (if you get this reference you're just as lame as i am).

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