where can you buy big Neodymium magnets in toronto


Well-known member
hi, need one for a science project. does anyone know where to get a large one? like at least 3in X 3in that has super strength. cantire and home hardware only sells these tiny coin ones. wanna avoid buying from internet

Try Jobmaster Magnets in Oakville 1-866-526-7164.
i bought a princess auto magnet that will lift about 250lbs for around $30 bucks.

thought we would rescue on outboard motor, its mostly aluminum, I'm an idiot.
i bought a princess auto magnet that will lift about 250lbs for around $30 bucks.

thought we would rescue on outboard motor, its mostly aluminum, I'm an idiot.

haha that was funny. Think you can be forgiven for making a mistake like that.

I bought a magnet from Princess Auto as well but only a 50 lbs puller. I also bought this 2-pronged hook that screws into a round base magnet that's about 3 or 4 inches in diameter. Not super strong but reasonably.

I was gonna suggest Mindgames... they've definitely got magnets but 3" x 3" is probably considered too dangerous for children.
A 3x3 rare earth magnet would be scary to work with. An array of 1 inch magnets backed by a steel plate would probably be a lot easier to source. LeeValley and Sayal have them. Even the 1 inch ones need to be handled carefully; it's easy to get fingers pinched between them when making a stack.
hi, need one for a science project. does anyone know where to get a large one? like at least 3in X 3in that has super strength. cantire and home hardware only sells these tiny coin ones. wanna avoid buying from internet


What's the plan OP?
U plan to erase a laptop in the evidence room? :D

Years ago I used to work for a magnet fabricator and actually sold a neo magent 8 inches in diameter for a pipeline pig, a test device. I never actually saw it as it was made in Ohio but it was so powerful it had to be made in pieces and epoxied together. We didn't have a magnetized powerful enough to magnetize a single piece unit. Large rare earth magnets were treated like hand grenades they were so lethal. It they collided they shattered like bombs.

Shipping was tricky because they weren't allowed on planes because they could screw up nav equipment.
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