When bike is warm it wont start the first time


Only when its warm the first time you try to start it it wont. \second try it fires up.
Has a ape manual cam chain installed recently, could it be that its too tight since this started happening AFTER the install?
which bike?

starter issue
charging issue, starter issue.

swap out the starter to see if it fixes it.

I love how you ALWAYS give totally blanketing answer....

how the hell do you figure the starter? did you ask if it cranks? does it sound like its cranking slower?

it could very well be the manual chain tensioner putting too much strain on the chain. when the engine warms up it expands stretching the chain some more.

Frekeyguy, i know you think you know a lot about bikes ever since you've been doing jobs on the sides, but stick to changing oil and tires.

2 years when i met you, you didnt know your front fork from your throttle tube. Be a bit more humble please.
it could very well be the manual chain tensioner putting too much strain on the chain. when the engine warms up it expands stretching the chain some more.

Also, I assume it starts first try when it's cold though. I disagree with you Red_liner as the chain would have also expanded when warm making the tensioner expansion negligible. This sounds like an ignition problem.. I wouldnt say the starter since the bike is already warm and the battery would be delivering the most juice during the first of the series of start attempts.
If you let the starter turn over for a couple of seconds does it start or does it not matter how long you hold the starter the first time and only start the second time...
i'm not talking about the tensioner system expansion, i am talking about the expansion of the entire long block. which is aluminum and is subject to higher expansion than the timing chain.

To be honest i dont think its that issue either, but if the manual tensioner is all that has been changed and the issue started right after, that is the first place you start.

If the bike was carbed i'd have started with bad idle mixture which a warm engine vs cold engine could alter enough to make it starting harder. My VTR didnt like starting when it was warm.

but its an 05 gsxr which are fuel injected.

has an aftermarket exhaust been installed? anything else done to the bike in the last little while which could affect it?
gonna go out on a limb here and say something stupid.
what is vapor lock alex?
It is possible that an overly tight cam chain tensioner is putting too much drag on the engine. It's also really, really easy to rule this out: Warm up the engine. Loosen the locknut. Screw the bolt in with your fingers until you feel increasing resistance then back it off one flat of the hex and lock it in place. It's also possible to do this with the engine running so that you can see the effect. Never tighten the tensioning bolt with a wrench - only your fingers - you will overtighten it guaranteed if you use a wrench.

If that's not it, the traditional cause of a hard start when hot is a too-rich condition. Fuel injected engines can do this just as much as carbureted engines can. (Dribbling injector, bad coolant or intake air temperature sensor, engine modifications that aren't properly accounted for in the fuel injection calibration, etc.)
Stock air filter
FMF bolt on pipe
New plugs at the end of last year and only 1000-1500 put on the bike since last year. And yes it started around the same time as the cct was installed. Every single time the bike is cold it will start first time, but after it warms up and i park it for a few minutes and try again it turns over but just doesnt start. Second try it always works. This happens about half the time the bike is warm...
okay "Dohhh" follow Brian P's instructions and reset the manual CCT when the bike is warm...
Don't underestimate the strength of the starting motor! Check the tension on that adjuster. It takes 2 minutes and costs nothing.
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