When are we going to shoot some soot up into the stratosphere and fix global warming? | GTAMotorcycle.com

When are we going to shoot some soot up into the stratosphere and fix global warming?


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What I said in the title. I believe that sooner or later we are going to have to do something. Since we are so far north we are in the best position to shoot it over the north pole.
sorry man but WHAT global warming? A few years ago that was the big out cry, clubbing the seals a few years before that, hurricanes in florida a few years before that...i mean, statistically, is there any difference? our winters are just as long and fierce, our summers are colder than usual......
I say bring it on! I hate cold weather! Mesh or squid 365.25!!!
statistically, is there any difference? our winters are just as long and fierce, our summers are colder than usual......

Jesus is coming, thats why... :rolleyes:

Global warming is sooooo yesterday :D
Looks like Iceland beat us too it!

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