What's up with these weather forecasts like really... | GTAMotorcycle.com

What's up with these weather forecasts like really...


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But Yea, for real - Forecast storm all day... No rain(not that I'm complaining that it didn't rain just the fact that they're wrong half the time, and the other half there only half right.

But Yea, for real - Forecast storm all day... No rain(not that I'm complaining that it didn't rain just the fact that they're wrong half the time, and the other half there only half right.

Bwah ha ha the fix is in to limit the number of bikes on the road.
I have found for about the last month or so that they are so far off in left field it ain't funny.

All the radiation in the air. :)

But Yea, for real - Forecast storm all day... No rain(not that I'm complaining that it didn't rain just the fact that they're wrong half the time, and the other half there only half right.

Damn! If this guy lifted his schlongg any higher he would have wiped out most of southern ontario. Though I'd hate to see the mess he left on the east coast.
Damn! If this guy lifted his schlongg any higher he would have wiped out most of southern ontario. Though I'd hate to see the mess he left on the east coast.

lmao i was going to say.... ha ha ha glad you did though;)

I dont even look at the forcast anymore. I look out my window or go out side. They seem to be always wrong.
It has to be the most-watched weather forecast ever broadcast. And it will haunt poor Michael Fish for the rest of his days.

Twenty years ago the BBC weatherman stood before the nation and announced: "Apparently a lady rang the BBC and said she heard there was a hurricane on the way. Well, don't worry if you're watching, there isn't."

How wrong he was. Hours later one of the most destructive storms of recent British history smashed into southern England, killing 18 people and causing £1.5billion worth of damage.
Fish has never been allowed to forget his throwaway line and clips of the infamous broadcast are watched time and again on YouTube :confused1:
How do you miss a hurricane coming?

I just dont understand how they forecast the weather. I can look at the maps and radar they have and predict with like 95% accuracy when and where its going to rain, and it takes me like 5 minutes. Ive never been to school for it. How do weathermen get it so wrong? I can see like the long term forecasts being off, but sameday forecasts? Makes no sense.

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