What's the most similar phone to a blackberry?


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Have any of you managed to jump ship and find a phone that's really similar to a blackberry?

My bold 9900 bricked on me in less than 3 months (and I take really good care of my phones. My 8900 lasted me 3 years). I'm starting to get really fed up with bb. I would've gotten an iphone a long time ago, but I need buttons.

1) Do you think that the new 9790's worth getting? It's .2 ghz slower than the 9900 (I also don't know if .2 ghz would make much of a difference, but it's bb, so...haha), but at least this one would have autofocus and not that retarded edof camera.

2) What options are like blackberry in terms of keyboards? All of those huge androids are out of the question. I Just want a good, solid keyboard that was well thought out like the bold. I'm just tired of BB and their crappy OS/problems.

Why can't they make a one-size fits all phone that works? They have like 10 phones that each have some sort of major flaw. I've been sticking with bb because of the buttons, but I'm starting to think that having a phone that works should be the more important criterion lol
Have any of you managed to jump ship and find a phone that's really similar to a blackberry?

My bold 9900 bricked on me in less than 3 months (and I take really good care of my phones. My 8900 lasted me 3 years). I'm starting to get really fed up with bb. I would've gotten an iphone a long time ago, but I need buttons.

1) Do you think that the new 9790's worth getting? It's .2 ghz slower than the 9900 (I also don't know if .2 ghz would make much of a difference, but it's bb, so...haha), but at least this one would have autofocus and not that retarded edof camera.

2) What options are like blackberry in terms of keyboards? All of those huge androids are out of the question. I Just want a good, solid keyboard that was well thought out like the bold. I'm just tired of BB and their crappy OS/problems.

Why can't they make a one-size fits all phone that works? They have like 10 phones that each have some sort of major flaw. I've been sticking with bb because of the buttons, but I'm starting to think that having a phone that works should be the more important criterion lol

Try the Torch, it won't disappoint.
Try the Torch, it won't disappoint.

Not saying they are all bad, but my sister is on her third under warranty, brother is on his second. I am fine with a touch screen myself, so cant speak about phones with keyboards, but is the BB keyboard different then other brands? There are Android phones with keyboards as well as touch. Might be worth checking those out, you will also have some more flexibility with touch, or keypad plus the large Android marketplace.
Try the Torch, it won't disappoint.

My wifes torch (1st gen) is a year old and not reliable anymore. It will charge overnight and be dead within minutes of unplugging. For a long time the app store disappeared and a full erase and restore was required to get it back. Personally I think avoiding RIM products like the plague is a good strategy until they can prove that they can make something that works.
I'll take another look at the torch, KillerKeith...but I've also been hearing that they have problems, too.

is the BB keyboard different then other brands? There are Android phones with keyboards as well as touch. Might be worth checking those out, you will also have some more flexibility with touch, or keypad plus the large Android marketplace.
I type faster than this guy without looking:[video=youtube;Egie4ApwoUg]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Egie4ApwoUg[/video] (raced the video. lol).

Imo, the way alt, symbol, space, letters & the numbers are placed is what makes the keyboard a lot better than other phones. It's actually efficient to type with it and you don't have to look at the letters + it isn't a strain to get to the outer edge letters like some of the rectangular phones out there. For example, a lot of androids have the numbers across the top row of letters with an awkward alternate key or you have to go into an alternate menu with some of the touchscreens. Or it's just spaced weird (which are all things that'll get sorted out eventually, I'm sure).

It seems like the engineering of android phones is more on the software than it is on the hardware (blackberry has the opposite problem). A good keyboard's something that I'm really meticulous (maybe even borderline OCD) with since I sometimes have to type papers on my phone, need it for work, and am usually too busy/never rarely at a place where I can take calls. The faster I can use my phone; the more time I can be away from it.

My wifes torch (1st gen) is a year old and not reliable anymore. It will charge overnight and be dead within minutes of unplugging. For a long time the app store disappeared and a full erase and restore was required to get it back. Personally I think avoiding RIM products like the plague is a good strategy until they can prove that they can make something that works.
My bold drained 10% an hour without being used. To add insult to injury, the battery isn't covered under warranty. My old 8900 would last 23 hours with HEAVY use. But I'm told that the new firmware upgrade fixes this issue so I'll see when I get the phone back from repairs...
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Motorola Pro+ ?

Closest thing to a BB keyboard I could find.

depending on what apps you run the Torch is only good for one day on a charge. Mine has been used and abused and still asks for more.
depending on what apps you run the Torch is only good for one day on a charge. Mine has been used and abused and still asks for more.

U work for RIM, don't u? :D

Did your buddy get kicked off a plane??
U work for RIM, don't u? :D

Did your buddy get kicked off a plane??

LOL! No but I know people who work at RIM and knew them. They were a couple of Scottish VPs of distribution working in K-W (Scots...figures eh?)

I really like BBs and have always had one since 2005. I've never had a problem with any of the products from them.
LOL! No but I know people who work at RIM and knew them. They were a couple of Scottish VPs of distribution working in K-W (Scots...figures eh?)

I really like BBs and have always had one since 2005. I've never had a problem with any of the products from them.

RIM treat Waterloo students well. Would love to support them, but I prefer touch phones
If information security is priority one, no one else touches the encryption of bb. I have the torch. Slider is fine, keyboard is very good. Battery life? The quality seems to vary.

From my co-workers that got the 9900 over the torch, they seem to prefer it and it's been rock solid.

I've still got an old Curve for personal txt (work covers everything but txt) and it almost makes me feel like I'm using a rotary phone. But, it's bullet proof, like a Timex. Takes a licking, keeps on ticking.

Sorry I can't help you on other makes. Just use what comes my way.

I've been using the same Bold that I bought lightly used from a member here about 1.5yrs ago and it's been rock solid. Battery still lasts as long as it did when new (a long time) and it's been dropped from waist height or higher many times and still works like a champ. Only issue it's had is freezing up once in a while but no major problems to speak of. I'd buy another for sure.
Try the Torch, it won't disappoint.

I have used a Torch for about a year. Quite possibly the last BB I will own. Lousy for internet. Getting tired of having to do the ol' BB battery pull to reboot. Needs more memory to say the least. It is behind the times so to speak.

Just love watching that little clock spin on the screen with no apps running!
Sometimes I think it was designed to be a door stopper instead (like a brick or book).
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I've had my Bold for over a year now, it still holds a full charge and has yet to let me down. The wife told me not to upgrade to newer versions of the OS right away when they became available, but to wait a few weeks until the bugs were worked out. Might be why mine has never locked up or required a battery-out reboot. Mind you, I don't use it for much more than email, BBM, FaceBook and the occasional internet session and don't have a whole lot of apps on it, so maybe that makes a difference. But it has been dropped more than a few times (including twice from the driver's side door of my truck) and still works fine.
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